cover of episode GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Protocols to Improve Your Sleep

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Protocols to Improve Your Sleep

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Huberman Lab

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrew Huberman
Matt Walker
Andrew Huberman:本集讨论优化睡眠的常规和非常规方法,包括睡眠卫生、酒精、咖啡因、大麻等因素的影响,以及一些先进的睡眠增强技术。 Matt Walker:睡眠卫生包含五个方面:规律性、黑暗、温度、运动和避免酒精及咖啡因。规律的睡眠时间对睡眠质量至关重要,因为它有助于调节生物钟。夜晚的黑暗对于释放褪黑素至关重要,褪黑素有助于调节睡眠。早晨的明亮光线,特别是阳光,可以增加皮质醇水平,提高警觉性。保持凉爽的睡眠环境有助于降低核心体温,促进睡眠。避免长时间清醒地躺在床上,以防止大脑将床与清醒状态联系起来。适度摄入酒精和咖啡因,并注意摄入时间。如果存在睡眠障碍,应先就医,然后再优化睡眠。酒精的代谢产物会干扰睡眠,即使少量饮酒也会对睡眠造成影响。睡前两小时内进食可能会影响睡眠,但具体时间因人而异。高糖低蛋白饮食会影响睡眠质量。下午饮用咖啡因会影响睡眠,尤其是在睡前较短时间内饮用。大麻中的THC会干扰REM睡眠,并可能导致戒断症状。做任何能转移注意力的事情,以避免在睡前焦虑。如果睡眠不好,不要试图通过延长睡眠时间或午睡来弥补,而应保持正常的作息时间。睡前放松的程序对于改善睡眠质量至关重要。睡前进行精神漫步可以帮助入睡。避免在卧室使用时钟,以免焦虑影响睡眠。 Matt Walker:先进的睡眠优化技术包括经颅直流电刺激、声学刺激、热调节和动觉刺激。经颅直流电刺激可以增强慢波睡眠和睡眠纺锤波,改善记忆力。热调节技术可以通过调节身体温度来改善睡眠。睡前洗个热水澡可以促进睡眠,因为热水澡后身体会散热,降低核心体温。声学刺激可以通过播放特定频率的声音来增强慢波睡眠和睡眠纺锤波。动觉刺激,例如摇动身体,可以改善睡眠质量。可以通过调节体温来增强REM睡眠。新型睡眠药物,如双促肾上腺素受体拮抗剂(DORAs),可以改善包括REM睡眠在内的所有睡眠阶段。

Deep Dive

Dr. Matthew Walker discusses the fundamental aspects of sleep hygiene, emphasizing the importance of regularity, darkness, and temperature control. He provides practical advice, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, reducing light exposure before bed, and managing room temperature for optimal sleep.
  • Regular sleep schedule is crucial for maintaining sleep quality.
  • Reducing light exposure in the evening helps in the release of melatonin.
  • Keeping the room cool can enhance sleep quality and help maintain sleep throughout the night.

Shownotes Transcript

This is episode 2 of a 6-part special series on sleep with Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D.), a professor of neuroscience and psychology and founder of the Center for Human Sleep Science) at the University of California, Berkeley.

We discuss basic and advanced tools for improving sleep and explain how sleep quality is affected by temperature, light and dark, caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, nutrition, meal timing, and different medications. 

Dr. Walker also provides strategies for coping with a poor night of sleep, wind-down routines, technology in the bedroom, insomnia, visualizations, and building sleep “confidence.” 

We also discuss the current status of sleep research for developing advanced techniques to optimize sleep. 

This episode provides numerous zero-cost behavioral protocols for improving sleep quality and restorative power, which can benefit daytime mood, energy, performance, and overall health. 

The next episode in this special series explores napping, caffeine, and additional protocols to improve sleep.

For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit

Thank you to our sponsors


Helix Sleep:


Waking Up:




(00:00:00) Improving Sleep

(00:01:16) Sponsors: Helix Sleep, WHOOP & Waking Up

(00:05:30) Basics of Sleep Hygiene, Regularity, Dark & Light

(00:12:05) Light, Day & Night; Cortisol, Insomnia

(00:18:45) Temperature; “Walk It Out”; Alcohol & Caffeine

(00:26:05) Sleep Association, Bed vs. Sofa

(00:29:43) Tool: Falling Asleep; Meditation, Breathing

(00:35:23) Sponsor: AG1

(00:36:37) Alcohol & Sleep Disruption

(00:40:01) Food & Sleep, Carbs, Melatonin

(00:49:25) Caffeine; Afternoon Coffee, Nighttime Waking

(00:55:52) Caffeine Metabolism & Sleep, Individual Variation

(01:01:19) Sponsor: InsideTracker

(01:02:04) Cannabis: THC vs. CBD, REM Sleep, Withdrawal

(01:12:03) Sleep Hygiene Basics

(01:16:08) Tool: Poor Sleep Compensation, “Do Nothing”

(01:20:23) Tool: Sleep Deprivation & Exercise

(01:24:11) Insomnia Intervention & Bedtime Rescheduling, Sleep Confidence

(01:32:58) Wind-Down Routine; Mental Walk; Clocks & Phones

(01:41:29) Advanced Sleep Optimization, Electric Manipulation

(01:50:07) Temperature Manipulation, Elderly, Insomnia

(01:58:57) Tool: Warm Bath Effect & Sleep, Sauna

(02:04:36) Acoustic Stimulation, White Noise, Pink Noise

(02:13:30) Rocking & Sleep, Body Position

(02:24:17) Enhance REM Sleep & Temperature; Sleep Medications

(02:28:35) Pharmacology, DORAs & REM Sleep; Narcolepsy & Insomnia

(02:34:12) Acetylcholine, Serotonin, Peptides; Balance

(02:40:45) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter
