cover of episode GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Improve Sleep to Boost Mood & Emotional Regulation

GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Improve Sleep to Boost Mood & Emotional Regulation

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Huberman Lab

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrew Huberman
Matthew Walker
Andrew Huberman: 本期节目重点关注睡眠与心理健康之间密不可分的关系,特别是快速眼动睡眠(REM睡眠)在消除记忆中负面情绪方面起到的关键作用。良好的睡眠有助于情绪恢复,而睡眠不足则会导致情绪波动和反应性增强。 Matthew Walker: 20年的研究表明,所有精神疾病患者的睡眠都不正常,这突显了睡眠健康与心理健康之间密切的双向关系。睡眠不足会导致杏仁核反应性增强,而前额叶皮层对杏仁核的调节作用减弱,从而导致情绪失控。即使是轻微的睡眠不足,也会显著影响情绪调节能力,使人更容易对日常刺激产生负面情绪反应。睡眠可以帮助我们处理情绪记忆,减轻情绪反应强度,特别是REM睡眠在其中起着关键作用。REM睡眠期间,去甲肾上腺素水平完全关闭,这为情绪的‘隔夜疗法’创造了一个神经化学上的安全环境。选择性剥夺REM睡眠会导致偏执、幻觉和妄想等症状,这表明REM睡眠对于维持心理健康至关重要。 改善REM睡眠的方法包括早上睡多15-20分钟,避免饮酒和吸食大麻。对于创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)患者,由于其REM睡眠中去甲肾上腺素水平异常升高,导致情绪记忆无法得到有效处理,从而引发反复噩梦。普拉佐辛等药物可以降低去甲肾上腺素水平,帮助缓解PTSD症状。 睡眠不足还会增加冲动性和成瘾性,并降低对奖励性刺激的反应能力。改善深度非快速眼动睡眠(NREM睡眠)有助于缓解焦虑,因为深度NREM睡眠可以促进前额叶皮层的活动,从而增强情绪调节能力。改善深度NREM睡眠的方法包括规律作息、适量运动和保持卧室凉爽。 睡眠不足与自杀意念、自杀未遂和自杀成功之间存在关联,睡眠障碍可能是自杀风险的预警信号。噩梦比睡眠不足更能预测自杀风险。抑郁症患者的REM睡眠出现时间通常比正常人早,一些抗抑郁药物会延缓或减少REM睡眠。睡眠剥夺有时可以缓解抑郁症状,但这是一种不可持续的方法。与自身的生物钟保持一致对于预防抑郁症至关重要。早晨和白天获得充足的光照,晚上处于昏暗或黑暗的环境中,可以改善心理健康状况。 Matthew Walker: 睡眠不足会导致杏仁核的活动增强,而前额叶皮层对杏仁核的控制能力下降,从而导致情绪调节能力下降。睡眠不足还会导致对负面和正面刺激的反应过度,增加冲动性和成瘾性。REM睡眠对于处理情绪记忆至关重要,它可以帮助我们‘忘记’负面情绪,同时‘记住’事件本身。在REM睡眠期间,去甲肾上腺素水平完全关闭,这为情绪记忆的处理创造了一个安全的环境。睡眠不足会导致REM睡眠减少,从而影响情绪调节和心理健康。创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)患者的REM睡眠通常受到干扰,导致噩梦和情绪困扰。普拉佐辛等药物可以帮助缓解PTSD症状,因为它可以降低脑内去甲肾上腺素水平。焦虑和抑郁症患者的睡眠质量通常较差,这会加剧他们的症状。深度非快速眼动睡眠(NREM睡眠)对于缓解焦虑至关重要,它可以帮助我们从交感神经兴奋状态切换到副交感神经放松状态。改善睡眠质量的方法包括规律作息、适量运动、保持卧室凉爽以及睡前避免饮酒。睡眠不足与自杀风险密切相关,噩梦的出现更是强烈的预警信号。抑郁症患者的睡眠模式通常异常,例如REM睡眠出现时间提前。一些抗抑郁药物会影响REM睡眠,这可能与它们的作用机制有关。睡眠剥夺有时可以暂时缓解抑郁症状,但这种方法不可持续。保持生物钟的规律性对于预防抑郁症至关重要。充足的日间光照和夜晚的黑暗环境也有助于改善心理健康状况。

Deep Dive

This episode explores the crucial link between sleep and mental health, focusing on how sleep, especially REM sleep, processes emotions and stabilizes mood. Dr. Walker explains how REM sleep acts as "overnight therapy," detoxifying emotional memories and promoting emotional restoration upon waking.
  • No psychiatric condition has been found with normal sleep patterns.
  • REM sleep deprivation leads to increased emotional reactivity, paranoia, hallucinations, and even psychosis.
  • The amygdala, responsible for emotional reactions, shows a 60% increased reactivity with sleep deprivation.
  • Lack of sleep weakens the connection between the prefrontal cortex (responsible for emotional control) and the amygdala, leading to emotional instability.
  • Even minor sleep disruptions can significantly impact mood and emotional regulation.

Shownotes Transcript

This is episode 5 of our 6-part special series on sleep with Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D.), a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and the host of The Matt Walker Podcast. In this episode, we explain the connection between sleep and mood, emotional regulation and mental well-being. 

We explain the role of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in processing emotions and emotional memories and why sleep deprivation causes agitation, impulsivity and emotional reactivity. 

We also discuss why sleep disruption is a hallmark feature of PTSD, anxiety, depression, suicidality, and other psychiatric conditions. 

We explain protocols for improving REM sleep and other sleep phases in order to harness the therapeutic power of quality sleep to feel calmer and emotionally restored.

This episode describes various actionable tools to improve sleep for those struggling with mental health or mood and those wanting to bolster their overall state and well-being. 

The next episode in this special series explores dreams, including lucid dreaming, nightmares and dream interpretation.

For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit

Thank you to our sponsors


Eight Sleep:






(00:00:00) Sleep & Mental Health

(00:01:09) Sponsors: Eight Sleep, LMNT & BetterHelp

(00:05:14) Emotions & Sleep, Amygdala

(00:17:27) Emotional Memory & Sleep

(00:25:48) “Overnight Therapy” & REM Sleep, Noradrenaline

(00:29:13) Sponsor: AG1

(00:30:27) Sleep to “Remember & Forget”, Trauma; REM Sleep

(00:38:27) Hinge Analogy; Motivation, Impulsivity & Addiction

(00:47:08) Tool: Improve REM Sleep, Social Jet Lag, Alcohol & THC, Addiction

(00:56:18) Sponsor: InsideTracker

(00:57:23) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & REM Sleep

(01:06:53) Noradrenaline & REM Sleep, PTSD & Prazosin

(01:09:40) Addiction, Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR); Liminal States

(01:16:46) Anxiety & Sleep, Mood vs. Emotions

(01:23:50) Deep Non-REM Sleep & Anxiety, Sleep Quality

(01:28:51) Tool: Improve Deep Non-REM Sleep, Temperature; Alcohol

(01:34:56) Suicidality & Sleep, Pattern Recognition; Nightmares

(01:46:21) Depression, Anxiety & Time Context

(01:51:24) Depression, Too Much Sleep?; REM Changes & Antidepressants

(01:57:37) Sleep Deprivation & Depression

(02:01:34) Tool: Circadian Misalignment & Mental Health, Chronotype

(02:04:05) Tools: Daytime Light & Nighttime Darkness; “Junk Light”

(02:13:04) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter
