cover of episode Matinee Monday: The Island

Matinee Monday: The Island

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How Did This Get Made?

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Mantzoukas
June Diane Raphael
Paul Scheer
@Paul Scheer : 本片对克隆人的设定存在两种模式:一种是预先购买克隆人作为器官移植的保险;另一种是事后购买,用于应对突发疾病。这两种模式在电影中都有体现,例如Ewan McGregor的角色因为患病而需要克隆人,而Scarlett Johansson的角色则是因为事故受伤。 此外,Paul还对电影中克隆人从高空坠落却毫发无伤的情节表示质疑,认为这与现实逻辑不符。他认为,如果电影中能够说明克隆人拥有更强的体质和反应能力,则可以更好地解释他们为何能够在电影中幸存下来。 在电影结尾,Paul还对克隆人离开克隆基地后的命运表示担忧,认为他们可能会面临危险。 @Jason Mantzoukas : 《岛屿》与以往克隆人题材电影的不同之处在于,本片从克隆人的视角出发,展现了克隆人意识的觉醒和自我认知的发展。这与以往电影中关注非克隆人视角的模式有所不同。 Jason还对电影中克隆人被植入虚假记忆以维持服从性的情节进行了分析,认为克隆人的记忆被操纵,他们所有的记忆都与“岛屿”和“抽奖”的概念联系在一起。 此外,Jason还对电影中大量的追逐戏份表示不满,认为这些戏份缺乏必要的镜头停顿,使得电影节奏过快。 @June Diane Raphael : June认为电影中克隆人的生活环境类似于高档水疗中心,这与克隆人作为器官来源的设定形成反差。她还对电影中克隆人被用作代孕母亲的情节进行了分析,认为克隆人可能也存在与宿主相同的生育问题。 June还对电影中缺乏解释的情节表示不满,认为电影前半部分缺乏解释,直到Steve Buscemi出现才给出关键信息。 此外,June还对电影中“岛屿”的概念具有误导性表示不满,认为实际上“岛屿”是克隆人被囚禁的基地,这与观众的预期不符。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the clones in 'The Island' have limited knowledge and understanding of the real world?

The clones were raised in a controlled, sanitized environment with implanted memories of an island paradise, lacking exposure to real-world complexities and societal norms.

What moral and ethical questions does 'The Island' raise about cloning and organ harvesting?

The film explores the ethical implications of using clones as organ donors, questioning the rights and consciousness of clones and the morality of creating sentient beings for exploitation.

How does 'The Island' blend action and philosophical themes?

While featuring Michael Bay's signature action sequences, the movie also delves into deep questions about identity, humanity, and the moral consequences of technological advancements in cloning.

Why does the film 'The Island' face criticism for its length and pacing?

The movie is criticized for its lengthy runtime and excessive action sequences, which some viewers find detract from the core narrative and philosophical exploration.

What is the significance of the 'island' in 'The Island'?

The island is a fabricated memory implanted in the clones to maintain their contentment, symbolizing a false utopia that masks their true purpose as organ donors.

How does 'The Island' handle the concept of clones developing consciousness?

The film portrays clones gradually developing awareness and questioning their existence, leading to a narrative focused on their struggle for freedom and identity.

What role does Steve Buscemi's character play in 'The Island'?

Steve Buscemi's character provides crucial exposition, revealing the truth about the clones' existence and aiding their escape, despite his own eccentricities.

Why is the clone club in 'The Island' significant?

The clone club represents a superficial attempt to humanize the clones by allowing them social interaction, yet it underscores their lack of true freedom and individuality.

How does 'The Island' address the physical and psychological resilience of clones?

The film suggests clones are physically fit but psychologically naive, surviving numerous death-defying scenarios due to their conditioning, yet vulnerable to societal complexities.

What is the significance of the jet motorcycle chase in 'The Island'?

The jet motorcycle chase is emblematic of Michael Bay's action-oriented style, showcasing high-stakes, visually spectacular sequences that are a hallmark of his films.

The discussion delves into the moral and ethical implications of cloning, questioning whether clones are conscious beings with souls and the implications of using them as organ donors.
  • Clones are grown as insurance policies for rich people to use as organ donors.
  • The clones have no memory of their hosts and are conditioned to believe in an island paradise.
  • The film raises questions about the consciousness and rights of clones.

Shownotes Transcript


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That's the question. We saw the island. So you know what that means. Now it's time for...

Hello, everybody, and welcome to How Did This Get Made? I am Tal John Shearer, and this is the podcast where we look at movies that involve clones. I mean, well, right now, that is probably

primarily what we're looking at as we are part of Clone Girl Summer. Get it on. T-shirts are available in our TeePublic stores. This might be the end of Clone Girl Summer because the pickings are getting slim. We did the 2005 Michael Bay film, The Island, starring Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor about two people who find themselves in a futuristic society only to learn that they are clones of

who are insurance policies for rich people that are using their bodies to harvest different organs if and when they ever get sick or will die. Anyway, it's a complicated story. Wait, pause. Yeah, what? Pause. Wait, wait, wait. Yeah.

Wait a second, Paul. Say that last part again. The clones are for rich people to purchase as insurance policies for if and when they get sick. Or die. Yeah, like an organ farm or something like that.

Okay, so I thought... I'm sorry to have to jump. No, no problem. Welcome to the show, Jason Manzoukas and June Diane Rayfield. Let's get right into it. Thrilled. Thrilled to jump right in. So...

I thought you didn't purchase a clone until you got... You didn't purchase that until you got sick. I think both are being exhibited because I think Ewan McGregor was diagnosed with... Whatever, he was diagnosed with hepatitis Z or something. He was diagnosed with the fucking disease. He fucked too much. Too much philandering.

And so he, I think that's why he got a clone, but it sounded like to me, Scarlett Johansson's character is,

She had just been in an accident. So she had a clone ready to go. I don't think she knew she was going to, right? Wasn't that the case? Well, because I also believe that. So I think it can go either way. Yes. Because she needed, Scarlett Johansson's clone needed a heart, a lung. Like she needed all sorts of things. She was in the hospital. She was like in bad shape. Yeah. Mommy's sick. But I also believe. That's what the kid says. Yeah.

Just to be clear, that's what June is. June is quoting the child's life. Mommy's sick. But I will say that I feel like the football player, like,

in the future was like, oh, well, we need to have this in case you get injured. That football player with the most unglamorous cameo of all time. That's like the first Clone Girl movie, Clone Girl summer movie we did, which was with the XFL guy, right? Yes. Not replicas, the other one, sorry. Surrogates? Surrogates. God.

Oh, no, that's the last one. They're all just blending together. Really blending together. They really, really are. This was an interesting... I'll tell you what, though. This was an interesting... Once I realized that they were harvesting organs, I was like, oh, okay. Like, Clone Girl Summer taking a nice... Vacation to the island? I was like, oh, this isn't exactly what I expected. And...

Okay, this is another case study for clones that wasn't...

a top of mind. This was an interesting version of it in that it was all the other ones have been somehow predicated on like personal experiences from the non-clones, essentially. This is from the clone POV. Exactly. Keanu misses his family, has to clone them. Arnold is cloned without his knowledge and suddenly has, there's two of him, you know, like all of these things versus this is like, oh no, clones are getting consciousness. Clones are getting...

remembering who they are. Well, yeah. And I think that what a great way to end. I mean, we really... The evolution of the clone. I mean, really, you know, we went from them being a supporting player in their own films to really the lead character. Yeah. It's really great. It's really great. It was nice. At this point, at this point, it was nice to really, like...

dive into the clone experience and just be a part of the clone narrative from the jump and to understand what it is to be a clone. I mean, I don't want to jump too far ahead, but God, my question's really for the last scene. Where are all those clones going at the end? Yeah.

Well, I mean, that's a great question. They do have the brain power or they are they're supposed to be as smart as children. So I don't think they're getting too far because especially where that clone base was, it would be like by a roadside bar where they're all going to get stabbed. They're all going to the Ace of Spades where they all found a matchbook case for Ace of Spades.

Oh, my God. I would love it if they all just, like, because they were so not intelligent enough, they all just started, like, lemmings, like, walking off of a cliff or into the ocean. Like, if they were, like, they can't help themselves. The first shot that you see of Ewan McGregor out and about, he puts his face right next to a snake. That snake is just going to, you know, ratchet him out. Like, just, like, ratchet him out. I don't even know what that means. Shit.

Pick up a ratchet? What do you think? Let's create a new term right now. Ratcheted out? Where did that even come from? I don't even know what I meant. Ratcheted out? That's the t-shirt. And the design is just a bunch of question marks. You should have a ratchet in the shape of a question mark. Oh my God.

Wait, so here's my question. Ratchet it out. Yes, go ahead. Okay. See, I need to be coming up with more phrases. You need to coin more phrases. I want to ratchet it out for a second. I want to be like a Vince Vaughn kind of guy. I got phrases, man. I want to ratchet it out because I... My question is, when a clone... Like, if we were to wake up inside that facility...

And we would be adults, right? And we would start off with some sort of template of memories. Correct? So we just wake up one day and we're there? Yes. Okay, so remember the scene, both Ewan McGregor's dreams, but then also there's a scene in the room and they can see that all the clones are watching the same movie that's like the movie that is in his dreams? Yes.

And so they, they're implanting memories into all the clones that are similar, you know, that are unique to the clones about the contamination, about the event. They all told them that one story, like I had a bicycle and it was stolen. That was that story that Scarlett Johansson said where they go, oh yeah, no, they mix them around. Steve Buscemi is the one who kind of reveals that at that point.

So they don't what I think what's what's what's happening, what's what's unsettling is the clones have no memory. They have none of the memories of their hosts or of their original selves. They just are. They think they all their memories are tied to this idea of the island and the lottery. Remember, the voice is like, you want to go to the island. You want to go to the island.

So those are their memories, quote unquote, you know? Yeah, they're very, I mean, look, they, we have, there's so much, what I love about this movie is, is it deals very much with, you know, big issues, but it's funny. And, you know, for us to do a comedy like this, I'm excited. Like when they got into that sequence where they didn't know what-

They're so funny and they're so, you know, like they always make total sense and there's nothing really like outrageous or pushing it too much in a Michael Bay movie. To me, I'm always upset with a Michael Bay movie because I'm like the camera's so still, almost like...

Like a Woody Allen movie. Walking in and walking out of frame. Well, it's a lot like it's him and Lars von Trier. You know? Dogma. He adheres to the dogma principles. You know? It's pretty... There was so much... This movie, at a certain point, I was like, oh, this entire movie, and I'm so curious. I wanted to ask you guys a question. This movie is essentially all...

all running and catwalks and like, how much do you think Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor actually ran during this movie? Or is this like just other people running? Because they're running all,

They are, I mean, once they get, oh, I guess they're even running inside the clone base. They're always running. They're always running. The movie should have been basically called Running, Jumping, Climbing, and Doors. And sliding. Some sliding. Yeah, some sliding. They're running so much that at one point I was like, oh. And falling. Yeah, and falling like crazy.

Falling down the sides of... Of buildings. Of giant buildings. When they're on that ladder, when they're on the ladder that falls, the guy first says, they're on the 70th floor. They survive. Unless you think that clones are somehow stronger or more resilient, they are not. They fall 70 stories and are fine.

And they don't... They could have easily added... Like, once they had these set pieces, they could have gone back and said, you know what, let's just add a line that, like, clones can't be destroyed. Oh, yeah, that would be great. Like, you know, just let's just get it through. But no, again, they go back to the comedy, which is they fall off a building into a large circus net after hanging onto a letter that is dropped. And a man just goes...

uh, Oh wow. Uh, God must like you. And then looks at Scarlett Johansson cause she's very attractive and goes, Oh, God must really like you. And that's kind of like, and we're laughing so much. We forget about the classic Bay zingers, classic Bay zingers. I was, I was going to bring up before was the dude scene. And we were talking about how smart they are. These people don't even know what dude means. And when they figure out the term dude, they're,

Fun sequence. Like, they're at the club. They're at the clone club because they did build a club for the clones to hang out at. Like, even though the clone world is so, like, sanitary and clean, they did build a club for them to exist in, which makes... Well, that's what's interesting about, like, this facility. Like, there were several points where I was like, I don't know, I might like a stay there. Doesn't it kind of look like a spa? I wrote that down, too.

I wrote, I wrote clone living is like spa living. You're sitting by the pool, you're exercising, you're having meals with friends. Maybe you're, maybe you have to eat like a little too clean. You want some bacon. But I was like, this feels like a spa week. Yeah. Like I was watching this being like, I don't know.

I don't know. I wouldn't mind after this 18 months. I wouldn't mind some time at Clone Island. Is it kind of like a veal kind of a thing, like where they're just keeping them in the dark? Do you think they're eating them? Well, no, I guess the idea like they because they have to be they have to be kept fit and.

Because at any point, someone can get injured and they'll have to go into service. But they basically, you could stay there for seven years. You could stay there for three years. There's no end to it. So they do, like, it really is just an insurance policy. They're there for as long as possible. They don't die, I guess, is what I'm saying. Well, do they age, though? Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. Do you just get a clone of the version that you are when you want the clone? That's what it seems like when they make when they are birthing the clone. I don't know. Well, you know, here's what I'll say. So in the scene where you're in the room with all the sacks, right?

And the sacks are all in different stages of development. There's one that's just a nervous system and it's adult size. Oh, yeah. So my assumption is they grow you at the size you are when you or age rather you are when you are scanned.

And that that's why there's no children. That's why there's no... People aren't growing up there. Ewan McGregor was grown to be Ewan McGregor's age in three years. Don't they say he's three years old? But he knew Latin and how to drive...

A motorcycle. But that was the problem for, that's the problem they're having. That's the problem with the new generation. He's starting to remember his host's memories, not his own. He's starting to be able to remember which shouldn't be possible, you know?

Well, wait, now I'm having a whole, I just remembered a whole sequence of the film that I forgot about. And, you know, in two hours and 16 minutes, it's easy to do because there's so much information. It's so long. It's so long. It's aggressively long.

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They say at a point that women are breeders and they have children. And so when that one woman has a child, they kill the woman, but keep the child. What is going on there? Like, is that they then walk out with the baby and they deliver it to that woman's clone host and her husband and say, your baby, your healthy baby is here. Right.

Remember? And there are people are using this not just as an insurance policy, but as like a fertility. Correct. Like I think for I think it seems as though they can do multiple miracles, medical rather miraculous things here. They can you can if you need an organ, you can use an organ if you want to use basically in this instance, it seems as though they were using the clone as a surrogate.

so that, but that they could still, it was the clone. It was the same actress playing the host and the clone who's having the baby. We see. Now what I, I kind of,

drew a darker comparison there, which was that maybe there was some sort of accident with that baby. Because if the woman was genetically incapable to conceive or having problems, I would imagine the clone would have those same problems. So I thought that this... Here's the thing. People... Because I think this is important. The client...

think that what is being grown, their quote-unquote insurance policies, they don't think they are walking, talking, thinking, feeling, conscious beings. At clubs. Yes, at clubs and laying by the pool. Everybody, all the clients. And missing shoes.

I'm missing the left shoe. All the clients think is that exactly. It's like a medical blob, like a collection of organs and the things that you would need. But it like in Sean Bean gives a Sean Bean, right? Yeah. Gives a kind of presentation to new clients. That is like that reinforces again, the movie does, you know, favors for the first hour. Nobody explains anything. There's no, no.

Finally, an hour in Steve Buscemi gives you one big exposition dump and there's another one like 15 minutes later.

That gives you the full sense of it? Steve Buscemi has the best death of all time. I mean, obviously, the Michael Bay movie, and he falls from, he also falls from a height, but he falls into a glass tower of champagne glasses. It is a pretty... He falls on top of a glass bar with all of the glasses. It was pretty great.

I like that death.

And Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson managed to so easily escape that it's shocking. They managed to escape that facility. They find Steve Buscemi in a bar. They make him take them home so he can help them, which he does. His house, though, appears to be some sort of sex dungeon. What was that about? Yeah, that was, he has a lava lamp. He's got a lava lamp. Like all creeps.

By the way, this movie felt like it was written by a clone because it felt like it had close approximations to what we would see as normal, but all slightly off. It felt like that, like this whole movie had that sense. Yeah, it's a Michael Bay movie. Maybe it was just the acting. Yeah, I know. Wait, so it was written by a clone? I mean, we don't know.

If it was, I would believe it. I think that they tried to make Steve Buscemi... Because the clones were like, you know what? We need to make a movie where we're the heroes. Finally. We got to get Hollywood... Wait a second. So, okay. So here's my question. Not to jump ahead, but the clones at the very end, what Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor end up doing...

is turning off like a holograph machine so that the clones realize they're no longer staring out at the island because the picture of the island isn't there. And they realize they're just in this like giant mechanical structure underground. But

By the way, Island is a terrible name for this movie. It makes no sense. But I guess I was just confused. Like, in that moment, what are those clones thinking when they run outside? Like, it felt also like they were forced to put together so much. Well, I think Ewan McGregor is, like, the first domino to fall. They realize, okay...

All these clones may be infected, but then they killed them. So I guess...

No, they didn't. Now I am confused. They didn't kill them. They were going to kill them. And then Scarlett Johansson and Jimen Hunsu come in and save both the people in the death room. But they get hosed down with something. Yeah. Yes. They're in some sort of killing chamber, but but are rescued from all that. And that's only the clones that they're afraid are going to gain consciousness. Like some. Right. Whatever it is, the epsilon level or I can't remember what it was.

You know, they're going to regain, they're going to gain consciousness. We have to get the echo level. Thank you. So we have to recall those, that batch. And there were only, it seemed like there were a few. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there wasn't that many three-year-olds in there. But I will say that what their biggest fear was, was to create more Jerry Seinfelds. Because that sequence with Ewan McGregor, where he sits down with Sean Bean, he's like...

who are these people? Why don't I have these shoes? Why can't I eat bacon? It was such a weird, like weird monologue about like living in the,

in clone base that it was like, I really tonally, this movie is a rough one because it starts off with a yacht, sexy Ewan McGregor getting ratcheted out, uh, you know, immediately. Uh,

He was. Yeah, that opening sequence. But see, that that's like something I went back to later on. So but that's not a memory that real Ewan McGregor had. And I don't think so. Those men jumping into the ocean and taking him.

I don't... It's an unreliable narrator. Yeah, that I don't think is true. Because also Scarlett Johansson is in his dream, and that's not possible. That wasn't possible for Ewan McGregor's character. Right, Ewan McGregor's character... Ewan McGregor's host always dreamt of having sex with a woman of Scarlett Johansson's character, as he just plainly states to him as they confront each other. But...

What I think. So, yeah. Well, just to speak to that for a second. So none of the clones at at clone camp can have sex. No, I don't know what sex. Yeah. They have not been told about sex. They don't know what sex is, but there are pregnant women there. Right.

So they think that they are breeders. I'm assuming that's the sperm. And my guess would be that's the sperm. That is like an embryo from the host species.

the couple who are the hosts of that clone. Does that make sense? Okay, so they are truly... So the couple that we see get given a baby, that woman and that man, my assumption would be their embryo was implanted into the clone to carry the baby to term safely. Right.

Well, because they are exactly the same. I mean, when Ewan McGregor clone McGregor, by the way, I believe this is the best clone on clone interaction that we've seen in all the films. I agree. I really liked I liked it. And he was so good at it and got so comfortable at it. He just he played twin brothers in Fargo season three, which is I was like, he's done this twice.

I feel like he might have even done it again. I feel like there's another movie where he plays two people. He puts his finger on the starter of the car and he's like, oh my God, you got the same fingerprint. You're worth every penny. And by the way, Ewan McGregor, the host, is just a boat designer. Like that's what his job is. That's what it seems like.

He just designs. Someone's got to design them. Someone's got to design those boats. I love too that, like it's so Michael Bay to have like all of the boat and all of the cars are all like concept things.

They're all like future boats and future cars. They're not like it. It made me laugh so hard every time they were like, whoa, what's this? $750,000 Cadillac. Like his fetishization of like gear like that always makes me laugh.

Well, and then the big swings that miss, which is like Ewan McGregor in a phone booth with a wrapping of like, like it's basically the version of like, ask Jeeves. It was like MSN search or whatever. MSN. Yeah. Microsoft is all over this. There's an Xbox scene. Yes. Microsoft is the product placement in this movie is massive. Oh, it is. No, I mean, there's a moment like a,

a beauty shot of Ewan McGregor drinking a Michelob light. Yes. Like multiple, like multi in that when it was available, it was, it's when it was available in like those metal bottles as if, Oh, in the future, everybody's going to drink beer out of a metal bottle.

By the way, it's 2019 in the movie. This movie came out in 2005. Shit has really, like, it advanced. Like, there's, it's part, like, uh, like the cities that you might see in Star Wars where, you know, there are a lot of flying cars. Like, there's a lot of stuff going on above ground, too. But these, like, these jet motorcycles that they ride are, uh, that...

Like, I feel like that I like that technology. I mean, it's it feels like a straight rip from like Return of the Jedi. But I'm also like, oh, that's kind of into that is basically a pod race inside L.A. Inside future L.A. It's basically the same as a pot. Like, again, I was like, poor Ewan McGregor is in another pod race now. He must be miserable.

Ewan McGregor said that doing that stunt sequence, he's like, thank God I had two children because I think it was a pretty awful to his groin area. And Scarlett Johansson in that sequence almost got her face sliced. An extra was hit in that sequence. There is a scene in the movie, I rewatched it last night because it was online, that Michael Bay is like, I told the guy, don't.

Don't turn around. What'd he do? He turned around and the car hits him and he goes flying forward and he's fine, but they left it in the movie. Michael Bay almost was killed during that section too. Like there was a lot of danger with a, a floating motorbike, uh, sequence. But I'm sure they all look back on it and think totally worth it. Totally worth it. Totally.

Totally. We nailed it. We nailed it. I mean, because I think Michael Bay is known for doing more action stuff. And I think what I liked about this was it was more of a thinking thing. It was about, you know, who has rights? You know, are we testing on animals? I mean, that's what I was thinking about the whole time. Yeah, no, it's a morality tale, really. What does it mean to be human? You know, what is the soul? Where does it reside? Yeah, and I mean, you know, and, you know, that to me is always...

You know, I like his take on it. I like his take on humanity. Because I do think that he has a good... Who else? Who better to tell that story? Yeah. Exactly.

Who better to tell that story? And also, listen, are Ewan McGregor and I think clearly Michael Bay is trying to say this, are Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson like Adam and Eve? Are they the beginnings of a new understanding of humanity? Are they created in God's image from the Garden of Eden underneath the earth? But it's also a movie that at the end has like...

like the, the, the events that happen in like, um, uh, in like Looney Tunes cartoons or like in every improv scene that heightens to this point, which, uh, Ewan McGregor and the clone Ewan McGregor just start saying, no, I'm the real Tom Lincoln. No, I'm the real Tom Lincoln. And the bad guys are like, wait a minute. Oh no. How do we tell him apart? And I was like, this is,

It built all the way to just them pointing at each other. The only thing that was missing was fake Ewan McGregor pulling up a sign that says, like, Bugs Bunny-esque. They needed a little hand-painted sign. I mean, I will also say that this world of the future is so wild because I thought you were going to say

It builds to a point where just a giant fan kills the bad guy. I mean, like, I mean, where is that giant fan? Like, it was a sort of like, I didn't really know what that fan was doing. Exactly. It was somehow part of the. OK, so remember when Ewan McGregor goes to, like, the center of the Death Star? Yeah. And he has to be like, boom, boom.

He has to power it down. Like there are so many Star Wars things in this movie. So he goes to that room where there's the glowing things and he's trying to knock it down. He's trying to hit it with a pipe. And he finally manages to stop the hologram. That starts that machine to fall apart in which at which point the fan dislodges and cuts through the whole building.

That's what it appears. Yeah, it seems like the fan is dropping from the ceiling, just going through. Everybody, Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor, survive so many, not near-death experiences, absolute death experiences. Absolutely.

absolutely this would kill everybody in the proximity. And they are constantly like walking away unscathed and looking dynamite. Well, I mean, listen, they have been living a very healthy life.

True. Life in Clone Camp. Like, they have been... They are physically... Even if they don't have superpowers, it seems like they're physically at their best. Right. They're eating their greens. I agree. And to return to what you said earlier, Paul, I feel like...

It wouldn't have been much and it would have made the movie make a little bit more sense if they had baked that in and said, oh, because we're of this, that and the other, they're stronger. Their reflexes are faster so that we would understand, oh, they're surviving all of these harrowing experiences. Because if anything, they're so naive and they have so little understanding of the world as it exists. Yeah.

At every step of the way, they should walk out and immediately be hit by a car. They should walk out and like accidentally die because they don't understand society's rules or the world as it is. You know, someone says he's in the can. They're like, what is that? Like they have so little like like I and I think going back to what June was saying and I'm getting it now, June, like.

What would their minds do in this world? It is too much information. Like it is, I don't, you would need to be tutored on some level. It would be like,

From inside the Matrix to outside the Matrix, which is exactly what it is. Yeah. I was going to say just from infancy, like you learn language and then you see everything in front of you. It's not fair. It's not right. These clones. They never have like a whoa moment.

Or they never look at the world, the real world as it is, and feel like surprised or impressed or or, you know, they really they don't have any. They always seem to be. They practice like radical acceptance, just like it's just completely radically accepting their circumstances. The movie is all about yes and yes.

All right. Well, let me, let me ask you this question here, um, about something that I just noticed, you know, as I'm watching a movie like this in two hours and 16 minutes, I'm like, my mind wanders at points, but I just want to like get into the idea of the cliff face hanging scene, this trope that is in so many movies where, you know, there's some sort of battle, someone skids off the side of a building and then someone's holding their hand and they're dangling. Um,

That really doesn't seem to happen ever in real life. Like, that's not like a thing like, oh, in our society, oh my God, if, you know, if only I had someone to hold my hand, I wouldn't have fallen off that cliff. Like, and it seems to be like one of the most common things to happen in movies of amazingly good caliber, you know, Mission Impossible movies to a movie like this. And it's, I don't know what our fascination with that, like that thing

thing is, like the hanging by a hand over, I mean, it's such an over, it's, I don't know, am I just, is that like a very high thought to have about this way? I wasn't high, but just watching that made me laugh. That's in so much

Of our pop culture. It's really, it really is in terms of like a, a situation that has so many stakes to it, life or death hanging on by a thread, but still rescuable.

You know what I mean? Like you can still be pulled in or up on the roof or back into a window or whatever you've fallen out of. And also the stakes for the person who's rescuing, because I was actually a bit nervous for Ewan McGregor in that scene, like that he'd be pulled over.

So that's why I think he would be. Yeah, he would. They would both be dead. That's why we don't see it in real life, because nobody can do that. Nobody can like hang on. Nobody can pull someone up. It's like game over for everybody. It really is. And I don't think I have the upper body strength to save you, Paul.

Oh, wow.

put your hair back up in one of those scrunchies that you might have, and I feel like you would be wiggling to maybe do that. And I would say, don't worry about that right now. And you said, but the hair's in my eyes. I just want to pull it back. I just need to pull it back. Well, I do think that I was in that scene. It did seem like Scarlett Johansson wasn't helping herself. I was like a little less looking around and flailing about. And...

Looking down and screaming, like a little more looking up and holding on. Yeah. And be still. And she's screaming, pull me up, pull me up, which is like, yeah, obviously that's what's going to happen. You know, like we're going to get there. But yeah, like if she could get a little bit more purchase, that might be helpful. Yeah. Like just sort of like bear down or hoist up or just...

Hell, you know, it seemed like she was really making it difficult for him. Well, again, this gets back to like, again, they're dangling off...

The logo letter on the 70th floor of a skyscraper. They are less than, I don't know, 10 hours outside of a bunker they've lived in their whole lives. They've never seen the building. And now they're hanging off of a skyscraper? Like from morning to afternoon, they're having quite a day.

Well, they took that train, which was absurdly large. Oh, yeah. Like, that was... I mean, that train... I forgot they were on the train, yeah. I mean, that train...

Just from a perspective, why I feel like someone, someone might've goofed, uh, on that train. Cause it did look larger than it needed to be based on how these cities looked once they were there. Like it wasn't like everything is like metropolis level kind of like Fritz Lang, uh, you know, future city. Yeah. Yeah.

And by the way, that train seemed to levitate. So why the fuck are there train wheels being transported around the city? Such a good question. I was going to say that train has no wheels. Are you talking about, okay, because the scene that I loved and laughed so hard at

was the scene where there were those giant dumbbells. - That's what we're talking about. - That's what we're talking about. - Yeah. - Wait, are you saying those are train wheels? - Yes. - That's what they look like, yes. Like, that would be underneath an act-- like a contemporary engine or car. Oh, I did not know what they were.

I called them a robot. I called them, I wrote my notes, robot rattles because they look like rattles, but they were so giant that I was like, oh, the Transformer would use this. And to me, they just look like giant dumbbells.

Uh, I, I laughed so hard at that scene. Those things rolling off. I was again, there must've been so many civilian casualties. Sure. So many, so many real people must've been killed by those like fully giant steel wheels crashing through highways. By the way. And I know that both of you, uh, love these films. So I'm going to defer to you cause you're the experts. Um,

Didn't this seem like straight up out of Transformers though? Like that whole section, I was like, oh, he just was like, I love the train wheels so much. I'm going to make like, it was like, I'm going to do it again. It's like that very Stephen King mentality of like, oh yeah, let me just repeat that one more time because there was definitely a moment where I was like, I, this, because it's filmed like Michael Bay, because it's, it feels like such a Michael Bay movie. And they kept focusing on that again, that concept Mac truck, right?

um, that the front of that concept, that future Mack truck, I was like, I keep expecting it to just like stop and go like, autobots to me, find the all spark. You know, like I fully expected it to become Optimus Prime. Oh, by the way, Molly just, uh, wrote in here. She said that some of those shots were reused in dark side of the moon, the Transformers movie. Yes. Oh my God. That's amazing. Yeah.

Holy shit. He didn't even just redo it. He just reused it. Wow. Wow. He's the best. He's just so funny. I was reading through a review of the commentary track, and some of the things that he said are just... You read a lot of reviews of commentary tracks, right? Well, you know what it is. That's primarily what you read. You don't read reviews of the movie. You just read...

How a review and takes on how people are feeling about like director's commentary. Yeah. You told me to watch something recently because the commentary track was getting great reviews. Yeah. You got to listen to, I mean, look, I'll sometimes just watch the commentary track. Forget about the movie. I just want to see what was going on in the mind of the filmmaker. Uh, but there was a moment that he was talking about, like, like he's so cocky about something like in the commentary track. He's like, see this scene, see the scene.

I'm not even going to tell you where we shot this. I'm not even going to tell you where we shot this because I'm going to reuse it and I don't want you to steal it. Oh my God. Like, he's so like, he's like, I love that he is so into it. And he said that there was a couple of great little moments like that where he is so cocky about this movie. And then the end of the commentary track is like, all right, let's, let's talk brass tacks. No one saw this movie. Yeah.

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But you know what? There is a lot of, I mean, I will say this. There is a lot of good stuff in this movie. Like ultimately, like the core of this movie is interesting. It just feels bloated in every possible way. No, I agree. I mean, in some ways, I have to be honest, in some ways...

this was my favorite clone movie. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Because I thought it posed questions that were actually valid and like, Oh yeah. What, you know, having to think about organ donation and, you know, fertility and all of that stuff. Like that was really interesting to me and thinking about cloning in that way. Um,

But there is about an extra hour on it. Yes. That could have been cut literally from all the chase sequences. There's just too much chasing. Too much running, too much chasing. It's as if we were in the island because...

The way that they do the setup of like the twist, like they're not going to an island. Like we were brought in under a false pretense as well. And I don't know if that necessarily worked or did anything for me because it's

As an audience member, I'm not excited about these people going to the island because then it seems like there's no movie. Like, what's the movie? You know what's interesting? White Lotus? Yeah, I thought the reveal was that they're not going to the island. They're already at the island and the island is just...

the lab and the research facility. There is no like vacation, like you get to live your best life island. It's not that. I felt like, oh, when they came up into the quote unquote real world, I was like, oh, they're about to find out they're already on the island. It's just the island is like the villain's lair, essentially. The Bond villain. Like Sean Bean is like a Bond villain and his island is where he makes these clones. But that wasn't the case. So I agree. The island is so misleading. Yeah.

And it's such a powerful and important kind of aspirational element to the characters in the movie that I was like, oh, I had to be like, oh, right, right, right. There is no island. The island doesn't the island is mythology that they are giving the clones. It's not it's not based on any reality inside the real world, which is a hard pill to swallow. Sure. When the movie is called The Island.

Yeah, because I'm picturing bikinis and surfing. I mean, Michael Clark, I want to just call out some good performances, and I know I mentioned them already. Michael Clark Duncan playing Happy and Excitable was one of my... Oh, that was wonderful. What a joyous, joyous performance by this man. Yeah. Oh, Ezwa, equally, when he awakens during his surgery...

and runs through the hospital facility with his chest open. I thought that was a great performance as well. And really, both really heartbreaking, but also like in that way that Michael Bay just had,

his sense of humor is tied to all of the wrong things. Like the Michael Clark Duncan awakening during surgery, having a complete existential crisis, then running through the halls, but like in a way that is almost like three stooges comedy is happening as well. Um,

I was like, oh, this is a Michael Bay movie. It is. He will put jokes in the emotional beats and he'll attempt to put emotion in the joke beats. So true. Emphasis on the wrong syllable. It's always wrong. It's always wrong.

I will say that you wanted a romantic moment between Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor at that point when they do kiss, and it is quickly deflated by that tongue line in a moment that I'm like, I kind of like it, but I'm also like, I think you just undercut this moment. Like, I get it. But that's the thing is, what's so interesting is they don't normally...

they only a few times have that degree of naivete, like in the bar, like you described earlier in this moment here, but that could have been part of the whole movie. You could have been like, they are fish out of water everywhere. They don't know how the world works at all. I would have been interested in that. Yeah. I would have too. I pitched, okay. I didn't want to talk about this. The reason why I picked this movie is because I am working on an HBO max series. It is a spinoff of this. It's a, uh,

It's a single cam comedy about two clones, and we're going to explore this. This is the thing. I need to just get out in front of it right now. Yeah, I am doing it's called The Island. Again, again, we were having trouble, but we wanted to get that IP. We need that IP.

It doesn't take place on an island, but it is. It's going to be all the kind of fish out of water. Funny. It's going to be more funny things. Like, how do they work a coffee maker? They have a landlord who's nosy. Where were you? What do you know? You know, there's going to be a lot of fun stuff. Because I'm also working on a show right now. Oh, wait, really? What?

Well, it's a little bit similar, but mine's a reality show. Oh, okay, cool. It's called Sexy Clone Island. Oh, wow. All right. I like this. And everybody, the contestants all show up to an island. And what they don't know is sexy clones have been created of all of them.

And the question is, are you going to fall in love with one of the other clones or your own clone? Oh, so like, do you really love yourself? Do you really love yourself? So it's a journey of self-discovery and also finding true love. Okay, so this is something that I actually was thinking about while watching this movie. I don't ever want to meet myself. I like that you think that's like...

Ever. Ever. I don't ever want to meet myself. And I know the whole purpose of like analysis and all of that is like return to self, you know, all of that. But I'm like, I appreciate a healthy distance. I don't ever want to see her. You know what I like? I like them face to face. Her. Her. You. I don't want to see her. I don't need to meet her. What would that be like? I really don't. What would be, what would you, what would you need? I don't know. I'll be honest. This guy seems annoying. I don't know.

I don't think I like her. I really don't. But she is you. She wouldn't, but you don't think that you would like you? She's better left to others. Like, I just don't ever want to be in that position. I don't either.

I know what you mean. I want to meet me because I think it'll be easier to make TikToks, where I have to talk to myself so I don't have to change wardrobe and then change the camera angle. See, now you're just pitching multiplicity. You just want more of you. You want a you that's a crew. Which, by the way, just so people know, because we've gotten a lot of suggestions of movies to do, we pulled an audible on multiplicity only because...

I think it's fair to say we all were kind of enjoying it. So, uh, so yeah, it didn't, we were watching it. We were all watching it last night and, and texted to say like this, I, we, I don't have too much to talk about. This is enjoyable. You know, it's a great Eugene Levy performance. Uh, John Delancey. I mean, it's a, it's a killer cast of people that you love. Yeah. And, and,

Doing pretty good work. So we switched to the island, which I'm very grateful for because this was way more fun to watch. But I know what you mean, June, in the sense that like one of the things I liked in the movie was when Ewan McGregor clone finds Ewan McGregor, the host, the prime Ewan McGregor, they make Ewan McGregor kind of a piece of shit.

which I liked. Like, I feel like, I feel like that's a Michael Bay move is like, let's make him a piece of shit. Like, because normally I feel like the Ewan McGregor prime would be like, become then the human hero. He's like, I'm going to help. Yeah.

And instead for him to betray them, I thought was actually pretty cool. I liked the dirt bag. The Steve Buscemi is like our dirt bag character. He is the one who actually helps. But I think it was interesting that they, that the ways that they set him up to be bad, he has a liver disease from fucking too much. He loves reading Maxim magazine, but he also, one of my favorite things, he's like looking at Scarlett Johansson and treating her like salaciously. Oh, it is. So, I mean, he gets so upset when they have like a connection. Uh,

clone McGregor and clone Johansson. But there's a moment where he's the real prime McGregor. He's such a bad actor. He's like, you know, it's always like that. That whole scene was like...

You know, and when I just first went to the store to get bananas, that's what I was doing. I was at the store to get bananas. And he does that like twice in one thing. And then he does like another thing where he's like, yes, I would like to talk to somebody here because my insurance doesn't.

he's in my living room okay here's a real question like that do you think do you think that scarlett johansson's character jordan ever struggled we never met prime just clone right okay yeah we just saw like but here's my question like do you think that she ever struggled with

The, you know, guilt or weight of not giving up her life. Yeah, she killed somebody. Yeah, she killed somebody. And do you think she's going to go raise that child?

That was a really sad... Oh, when the little boy says, Mommy, is that you? I was like, ooh, that's heartbreaking. That's when you start to really see the consequences of... Major consequences. Of wanting our Scarlett Johansson that we're following to survive and to be free and to have free will and all of that, but also recognizing that what that means is...

We need those organs. You know, what did they give Scarlett Johansson? 48 hours? You know, or something like that? So if the organs weren't implanted in 48 hours, and they speak to it, Scarlett Johansson says, that woman's going to die, you know, or something like, I think, you know, whatever. And it, but that's, you know, it's the movie

He is interested in kind of moral story. It's just Michael Bay is like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But also trucks flipping over and fans chopping everything in half. Let's add a little bit of do you know that Michael Bay calls his action Bayhem?

Oh, yeah. Bayhem? Bayhem, like mayhem, but Michael Bay style. Oh, no, no, no, no. I mean, Michael Bay. All right. So like they were saying that, like, I can't remember the movie that was going on at the same time. This is also from the director's commentary track review. Like that Michael Bay, like he's like, I was looking at a, I was looking at this other movie. They're doing six or seven shots a day. I'm doing 30 or 40.

Like he's like shooting 40 shots a day. And they said that sometimes the camera moves are so quick that he gives his crew less than five minutes to set up a shot. Wow. Which is like that. It seems like it's even shot in a way it's shot like in a run and gun indie way. But, you know, with the most expensive cameras. And I think he also has like nine cameras on everything.

So he's getting small pieces, but it's like he's getting so much of it. And it's then just like an assembly of like chopped up bits. You know, I once did a movie or I did a commercial with an actor who was in Bad Boys 2 and it was a chase over a bridge. It's a big scene in Bad Boys 2. And he is part of the the FBI team.

And, uh, so he gets there on set and he's in this truck and, uh, there's a camera in front of him in the truck and he has a gun that he's got to shoot out the window. And he's like, well, how are we going to do it? And Michael said, uh, you're going to drive the truck. You're going to shoot that gun out the window and you're going to slate yourself. And he's like, what? It's like, well, wait, I don't know how to do any of that stuff. He's like, don't worry. I have stunt drivers and they'll avoid you. So like, don't worry about it. Like,

And this guy said it was the most stressful situation he's ever been in in his life because you have to like shoot a gun that has recoil. You are trying to drive a truck as things are burning and flipping by you. And, and he said that he did the first take and Michael Bay came down and went right up to his truck. Cause all the trucks had, every truck had a, you know, everybody in this chase had their own private camera. And he goes, what the fuck are you doing, man? You look scared as shit out there. Yeah.

Yes, I am. He was like, I'll fire you right now. He's like, don't be scared. You do this all the time. And like that was it. And you'd see him in the movie. He doesn't look scared. He looks pretty good. That's amazing. I love that.

Imagine doing that. Like, and apparently he's created a special, uh, I knew this, but I guess this is the movie that he created it on a special car cam that like you could drive into other cars without killing the stunt driver. Like it is like, it's a special camera that you can basically drive into other things and it doesn't hurt the driver or the camera. Uh, yeah. So he's pretty, it's pretty insane. Oh my God. Well, you know what?

We obviously have an opinion about this movie. And I would say that opinion's fairly mixed. But there are other people out there with a different opinion. It is now time for Second Opinions. Jason June says,

I don't even know where to begin. These are... This is five-star reviews of the commentary track or of the film? Well, that's going to be the third segment in the show. You know, I'm building into that. Like, that's the bonus. That's our Patreon, is me doing five-star reviews of commentary tracks.

That's our new spinoff podcast. It's where we just talk. How did this commentary track get made? We don't watch the movie. How did this commentary track get made? And then we try and infer what happened in the movie. We review, and then we have another spinoff show there where we just talk about movies that we would want to do on the show, but we're not sure we want to commit to it. So we just bandy around what we think the plot might be. And then that's an episode. Yeah.

Just us looking at a poster and assuming. All right. These reviews are...

great. They're the, my favorite reviews I've ever read. I don't want to set it up too high, but, uh, I, I can't even pick which ones I want. The average rating of this film is 4.6 out of five stars. Yes. So 73% of them are five star reviews. Um, and there are over 4,400 reviews, uh, which is a lot. This is big. So Anthony T Tolentino writes, uh,

We bought this movie on recommendation from a military whistleblower that was talking about these technologies and the real human cloning centers they have in the D-U-M-B-S. He said, watch the island movie and it's just like that. The title of the review is all based on true technologies used now online.

Five stars. Wait, D-U-M-B-S? DUMBS? Yeah, I don't... I mean, that must be a real thing, but that's a funny acronym, I'll be honest. Yeah, that's what I think, too. So the DUMBS acronym is Deep Underground Military Bases. Ah, got it. Yes. Oh, my God. I love that this person sees, like, the reality inside of this Michael Bay movie. That is...

Very unsettling. All right. So this one here written by Michael Sullivan, the title, these damn clones are going to take your jobs. Oh. And and writes this look like Logan's run meets the Matrix at first, but got more interesting as elements of the fugitive were introduced. Now, can I just say got more interesting than the Matrix? Yeah.

Okay, sure. A few holes in the plot to have some fun with. You have to be forgiving. But a story that has been told in many different ways, told yet again, it was worth watching regardless because it's a fun exploration of adventure into the many things the future may hold while also introducing a new generation of important questions about human rights and animal rights. In fact...

that have existed for a very long time. I didn't see the animal rights in this, but there we go. Usually, I feel like this kind of story has the first step as animals. Yes. And there's usually some sort of cloned animal that we have come to love or whatever. It's a clone.

This is really like straight up clone people. Fully grown adult clone people. There is a lot of like coincidences and assumptions that we just assume to be okay in this movie. We can just grow full grown people with consciousness and they're fine. Okay, cool. Cool. Yeah. All right. Well, I had a question about that because when we did grow that baby, that giant baby with all the KY jelly on it, that kid,

person was bald and you know as a bald man i'm always looking for representation so uh when i saw that i was like is that person bald or do they grow hair do you think it was vin diesel

I mean, I don't know. He's been in other things. He showed up to the premiere of Nutty Professor 2. You know, so I don't know. He's always out. He's out and about. He showed up? He's not. He wasn't invited? Well, I mean, who knows? He showed up. And why do you know that he showed up at the premiere of Nutty Professor 2? Because I subscribed to it. Were you running the list? Yeah.

Sorry. I'm sorry, Vin. You're not on the list. I'm just saying the guy shows up in weird spots. You know, you never know. You never know. Where you don't expect him. That is true. Here's what I thought was a missed opportunity in this movie. Sean Bean should have had four Sean Beans. Agree. You know, like, why didn't someone, like, manipulate? But maybe he's a scientist and he didn't want to do that. He was trying to keep separation of church and state. I don't know. Well, if people saw him because he was interacting with the clones. Yeah.

Yeah, but he could have had his own cabal of people together. Oh, that's interesting. It would have been interesting if when they need... Oh, I had a question. Were there two different police officers

Was there? No. There were the regular LAPD. Okay. But then there were this sort of security firm that Sean Bean hired. Okay, so they are the Jai Menhuntzu guys? Yeah, they were impersonating the police. So they're impersonating police. Okay, got it. Okay. I got confused somewhere. Got it. There were two different police-looking entities, and I was like, wait a minute. Are there two different polices in the future? I didn't know. I was confused.

Okay. Yeah. I mean, we're trying to defund one. Yeah. Not fund two. Exactly. This review written by Kimberly titled Loved It. This movie is great. This movie was great and it's so inspiring.

and it makes you thankful for the life that God has given us and the true loving soulmates that God has given everyone on earth to find soulmates are one soul born into two bodies on earth only to find each other, uh,

and be one again. Thank God for blessing me with my soulmate and the wonderful soulmate family. He has given me a healthy life for us all. Do not take for granted that you have a God who has given you something in life to keep your heart open and loving God in so many ways, always five stars. Wow.

Holy cow. Okay. And then that person is extrapolating the events of this movie into their own personal life. Pretty. Yeah. I would say this movie is not about soulmates. It didn't feel like if anything, if I'm, if I'm this, if I'm this viewer, rather, I would start asking, I would have the question, do we think clones have souls?

You know what I mean? Like, you know, like this is a scientifically grown person. Like, does consciousness equal a soul? At what point is there a soul? Like, I'm curious. Well, Jason, I'm glad you asked that question because I have a review that's going to answer that right here. Let's do it. K7. K7 writes simply informative information.

I think they filmed real human clones in this film. Yep. It's that bad in this world.

Five stars. A lot of conspiracy theorists love this movie. So there might be clones out there. If you are a clone, please call into the mini episode. Let us know about your, do you have a soul? Because obviously we've talked about Scarlett Johansson not feeling too badly about killing her other version. Again, these reviews can go on and on. I just want to read this one other line here from Victoria Celine Sky Demi, who titles her review, Genuinely Captivated.

She goes, at first I thought it was a futuristic exploitation of coma. You know, the fact that Charlize Theron and Ewan McGregor were the leads should have enlightened me otherwise. Oh, really a deep reading of this movie. I just love that she thinks it's Charlize and Ewan together working it out. And then...

Yeah. I mean, it just, there's so many, I mean, this is just going on and on the one big thing. Um, Oh, this is one line I'll read here too. What was so surprising to me was how young some of the main actors were in this movie. Like they only know them as older. So.

So I guess like that's surprising to them from because it's an older movie. They look young as if the movie made them look young. Yes, that this is the kind of the gunk you're getting in the mix of here. So, yeah, ratchet up, ratchet that, ratcheting it up, ratcheting it up. All right. So here we go. Jason June, we'd recommend people to watch this film.

Yes, I would. But it is, like you said earlier, it's two hours and 15 minutes long. And my recommendation would be there is 45 minutes of the movie is just fine.

shit running is just them being chased them running them backtracking running again fast forward running none of it is impressive or interesting like if they're on a catwalk running somewhere just fast forward and get to the next dialogue scene and you'll have a shorter movie that's more enjoyable i mean some of the action is fine i'm not fine like the car chase i thought was great but

Michael Bay knows how to direct action movies. This is the Michael Bay of Bad Boys, of The Rock. This is fun Michael Bay when the big stuff is happening, like the car chase, practical stuff like the car chase. The CGI, like chasing on the walkways and the fan falls and chops it in half, that stuff, it's not that interesting. June? June.

I mean, it's so hard to... Listen, it's so hard to recommend anything that we watch. So, but...

I did not mind this movie as they go. Again, my barometer is so twisted. So I don't trust myself. I don't trust this metric we're providing. But it is watchable. It is absolutely something that you are able to watch. Yeah.

And that's all I'll say about that. Oh, my God. All right. I'm going to bring up two interesting things. It is watchable. Yeah.

It is. You are able to view it with your eyes. Yes. Your eyes can fall on it. This movie is available to watch. And if you choose to watch it, you can watch it. Now, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to, because I would agree with Jason, but I'm going to throw it in a different direction and say this. One of the interesting things about this film was there was a giant lawsuit around this film because apparently there was another film called Clonus that

And they filed suit. And apparently they settled out of court for a seven-figure deal. Oh, wow. It's a pretty giant deal. Yeah. Yeah.

So this actually, Clonus was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000. So it's a movie that was like made? Yes. The only thing, basically it says, the film is about an isolated community in a remote desert area where clones are bred to serve as a source of replacement organs for the wealthy and powerful. And

And that was it. Like, so it was the same exact plot. And the soon elected president, Peter Graves, is I think that a little bit more of a plot there. There's something this idea of of I mean, this it's it's really when you look at the plot breakdown, I'm reading it as I'm talking to you. It is exactly the same movie.

So bizarre, but that, so I'd say maybe if you want, check out Clonus, that might be another film that did it better. And as Michael Bay said, during the press of this film, I guarantee there are people out there who would have this. He,

He says that he knows a wealthy prince. He won't name the name who has his own 747 jet complete with a surgery unit on the top floor inside there at all times is a 24 year old man with the same blood type whose family has been paid off. So that when the princess heart gives out surgeons can perform a transplant from a younger man. I can credibly tell you that this is dead true. I'm not going to tell you the country, but I know that,

Because I've actually been on the plane and I've known people who've actually met the kid. What? So, leave you with that, that Michael Bay has been on a plane of a prince who has a young man waiting to give his heart to...

to some royalty. So that's the world that we live in. And you know what? Happy to be here and share some of that world with the two of you and all your amazing projects. What do you want to plug?

I mean, that's... I love that that's... See, that's what I love about Michael Bay, is that he backs up a movie like this with a story about, like, actually, it's real. It's real and it's happening right now. Actually, I did use clones in it. I can't tell you who, but two of the people in this movie are clones. And I'm not going to get into all the details of how I got them, but they are, and they actually... I'm going to tell you that they actually served as consultants and were like,

Michael, this is so like, you didn't even ask us a lot of these questions and you got it all right. So, I mean, again, I just want to tell you that that's what they told me. And like, so I take their, I, you know, that's all I care about. Oh, so good. So good.

Oh my goodness. All right. What do you guys want to talk about? Anything? Anything new? I just wanted to encourage everyone, if you haven't, if you have not gotten vaccinated to please do. And if you're nervous about it or have any hesitations, I recorded a conversation with my dear friend, pulmonary and critical care, Dr. Kate Grossman. And it is on how does this get made feed. So it's,

If you are having concerns and questions, please listen. She really does a wonderful job.

I'm talking about the risk and major reward. And then if you have anyone, you know, who who is nervous about it and vaccine hesitant, please send it to them, because I think it's a super accessible kind of Q&A cheat sheet to talk to people in your life, which Kate says is the most most effective way to get people vaccinated is to talk to our friends and family.

I love it. Absolutely. Thank you for doing that, June. And please, if you are out there and you think that is helpful, please listen to it and please act because we need to.

to get those shots. Yeah. Get out of our houses. I really, I don't have too much to plug, but I will say I rewatched, not rewatched, I watched the Val Kilmer documentary on Amazon. Oh, I can't wait to see it. And it's wonderful. It's really impressive. And it also reminded me just how wonderful Val Kilmer is, which made me rewatch Top Gun and

um, MacGruber, um, both incredible Val Kilmer performances. Oh my gosh. Both very much worth watching, but please, I'm begging you like everything's kind of getting a little ugly again and a little nasty again, a little crazy. If you need an hour and a half of just absolutely losing your mind laughing, please watch MacGruber. It's absolutely wonderful. And I'm so excited that the new MacGruber show is coming out to Peacock. Uh,

And I've talked to some people who have been involved in it. Oh, good. And it seems absolutely amazing. I'm excited. The movie really made me laugh. And I re-watched Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar again. Also hilarious. Really enjoyed it. Yeah, so much good stuff out there. I'm not going to burden you with anything else. I'm just going to say, you know...

if you like this podcast, uh, review it, rate it. It helps us on the iTunes. So do that. A big thank you to April Hallie, Molly coming in at the last second, putting together all this Island research. And we called an audible within hours of recording this podcast. Of course, our amazing producer, uh, Cody, our sound engineer, Devin, um,

July Diaz, who makes sure this whole thing goes off without a hitch. Nate Kiley for all of his research, which was not used because of the multiplicity fiasco. And of course, our great graphic designers. I'm talking about Zach McAleese, who is a.k.a. the ghost of Craig T. Nelson. And...

Kyle Waldron. You can follow us on our Discord, slash hdtgm. You can call us on our mini episode at 619-P-A-U-L-A-S-K. That's 619-Paul-Ask. Talk about your life, your love, or this movie,

I'll be there to answer all your questions. And we will see you next week on the show. Make sure you visit and grab your Clone Girls Summer shirt. And maybe, who knows, maybe there's a Ratcheted Up shirt in there in the future. We'll see. Ratcheted Up. All right, everybody. Thank you so much. Bye for now. How did this get me? Here I go.

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