cover of episode Ending an Engagement (ft. Tianna Robillard)

Ending an Engagement (ft. Tianna Robillard)

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Hot Mess with Alix Earle

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alix Earle
Tianna Robillard
Alix Earle: 本期节目邀请到Tianna Robillard,分享她最近经历的公开分手事件。她与一位橄榄球运动员订婚,后因发现对方出轨而取消婚约。Alix Earle 对Tianna Robillard 的勇气表示赞赏,并表示本节目旨在为那些在感情中迷茫或难以做出决定的人提供一个安全的空间,分享彼此的经历和感受。节目中还将讨论Tianna Robillard 如何重建生活,以及她对未来感情的看法。 Alix Earle 在节目中也分享了自己的一些看法和建议,例如,如果发现伴侣出轨,应该勇敢地离开;在社交媒体上公开恋情也意味着分手后需要向公众解释;不要过度纠结于伴侣过去的恋爱经历,应专注于当前的关系;以及如果男友没有在社交媒体上庆祝她的生日,她会感到生气并提出质疑。 Tianna Robillard: Tianna Robillard 分享了她与前男友从相识到分手的整个过程。他们通过共同的朋友认识,并发展了恋爱关系。起初,她对与运动员约会持谨慎态度,但最终还是接受了这段感情。在恋爱一年多后,他们订婚了。然而,在订婚后不久,Tianna Robillard 发现男友出轨,并最终决定结束这段关系。她描述了发现男友出轨后的震惊和难以置信,以及独自承担重建生活的重担。她分享了自己在社交媒体上公开分手事件的经历,以及由此带来的网络暴力和公众压力。她鼓励人们全心全意地去爱,即使可能会受伤。她还反思了自己与前男友的公开互动,并意识到一些负面评论可能并非完全属实。她认为一些女性将自己的生活完全依赖于伴侣,这让她感到担忧。最后,她给那些正在经历分手的人的建议是:相信自己的直觉,并勇于离开不适合的关系。

Deep Dive

Alix kicks off the episode with a warm welcome to guest Tiana Robillard. They chat about their Montauk adventures and Tiana's viral breakup. Tiana shares her excitement about the yacht party and reveals she's currently embracing a nomadic lifestyle. She opens up about her recent engagement and subsequent breakup, emphasizing her positive outlook despite the heartbreak. The conversation shifts to Tiana's background, growing up in Washington state, her college experience, and her journey to social media stardom.

Shownotes Transcript

(VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week, Alix sits down with Tianna Robillard to get the exclusive on her recent break-up drama. After discovering her fiancée had been cheating, Tianna broke off the engagement and never looked back. Listen to hear about how she gained the confidence to leave and how she’s rebuilding a life without him.

Alix and Tianna lighten things up and play a game of FMK. Then Alix answers some WWAD questions on her own.

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