cover of episode Singaporeanisms - Home Sweet Home

Singaporeanisms - Home Sweet Home

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Hear. Here. Singapore.

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主持人: 在本期节目中,主持人探讨了新加坡人最显著的特点,即对家乡的热爱。主持人提到,尽管自己曾在美国和英国生活过,但始终对回家有着特殊的情感。这种情感体现了新加坡人对家乡的深厚依恋。 受访者1: 受访者1分享了自己对家乡的独特感受,强调无论身在何处,回家的感觉总是无可替代。她表示,自己永远不会放弃新加坡公民身份,因为家是无法被任何外在物质所替代的。这种对家乡的忠诚和归属感,是新加坡人文化认同的核心。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


I ask people I meet, what's the most Singaporean thing about them? In this episode, one loves coming home, while the other, an international student, loves Singapore as his home away from home. I think the most Singaporean thing about me is I like to go home. I've lived in the US for a bit, in the UK for a bit, but I don't like to go home.

Each time when I'm away, when I come home, the feeling is just different. I don't think I'll ever give up my citizenship for anything. And home, I think, is just something that cannot be substituted by anything exterior, material. And I think that's the most thing I've ever anything about me. Yeah.

As a foreigner, when you enter Singapore, the thing that will strike you is how the English is spoken. The accent, the final particles that goes into the local language is really fascinating. It may be a cultural shock at first, but when you are used to it and you just get assimilated. When I speak to my Singaporean classmates, when they engage conversations with me for final particles,

I can use them correctly, which I'm proud of, and I can laugh with fellow Singaporeans. Last year, I went to a Koto concert organised by the Japanese Association in Singapore with a story of Momotaro spoken supposedly in Singlish, and they were using "la"s the wrong way. They were just putting "la"s after literally every sentence.

and it should be "le" instead of "la". This nativeness, it really comes from a native command. You understand the language, but foreigners, they try to imitate to have this sense of solidarity. But sometimes it just has some other effect, and sometimes very comical, I would say.

You've been listening to people answer the question, what's the most Singaporean thing about them? Here is the entrance to our office building in Tanjong Pagar and also the School of Humanities at NTU. Check out this episode's show notes for more information or visit our website, Catch you on the next app.