Cheat on the news with Hard Factor. Satirical daily news podcast, not hyper-polarizing and depressin
The man pictured above is Nigel Farage, the leader of the Brexit Party. An anti-Brexit "remainer" hi
President Trump finally weighed in on the abortion bans being passed in the South, and he thinks the
Alabama's Governor Kay Ivey is not a fan of abortion. She is 74 and she wants people to know the pre
Guess what? Joe Biden has a commanding lead in the Democratic Presidential Candidate race, and prob
Those assholes at Monsanto are paying out lawsuits again, because Round Up which they own likely cau
Alyssa Milano is calling for a nationwide sex strike from women in response to Georgia passing the “
The House Judiciary Committee voted on Wednesday to hold Attorney General Bill Barr in “contempt of
Bet you're thinking twice about that abortion now, huh? Yesterday Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed a “
On today's episode... The United States is moving ships and sucking tits. If you don't want to end u
AOC's boyfriend got a ton of shit for being overweight and hairy. A French chick even called him a “
Special All Florida Man Episode. Brought to you by Radio Offers --> Enter promo c
Bill Barr was grilled by the Senate Judiciary Committee and he did not give a shit. Just look at th
Venezuela finally started that coup they're always taking about. They still have a bonus president,
'Hot" Rod Rosenstein is out as the Deputy Attorney General. He has resigned effective May 11th and
The measles are making a comeback with over 700 cases in the US this year, and President Trump is te
So not that we didn't know this already, but apparently FAR more Boy Scout leaders are molesting kid
The US Supreme Court held oral arguments on Tuesday about whether or not to allow the Trump administ
So stop me if you've heard this before, Social Security is going to run out right before you're old
Three churches and four hotels were bombed in Sri Lanka on Easter in an apparently religiously motiv
Coral Lytle, of Tulare CA is being accused of banging her daughters two separate freshman boyfriends