cover of episode Salem Witch Trials

Salem Witch Trials

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Forbidden History

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Sam Baltrusis
Thomas Vallor
@Sam Baltrusis : 我与塞勒姆审巫案的关键人物Ann Putnam Jr.有远亲关系,这让我感到自己受到了诅咒。我希望通过现代巫术来弥补家族过错,并解除诅咒。同时,我也希望全世界都能从塞勒姆审巫案中吸取教训,因为类似的猎巫事件至今仍在发生。 (至少200字) @Thomas Vallor : 吉尔斯·科里起初支持审巫案,但当他的妻子被指控后,他的观点发生了改变。他的拒绝认罪和被压死的故事,是塞勒姆审巫案的转折点,它揭示了审判的不公正,并引发了公众舆论的转变。 (至少200字) (@(匿名播音员) 塞勒姆审巫案是一场悲剧性的集体歇斯底里事件,导致20名无辜男女被错误处决。这场冤案不仅给塞勒姆带来了长达数百年的诅咒,也促使美国在宪法中保障宗教自由。如今,塞勒姆已成为现代美国巫术的中心,这与历史上的悲剧形成了强烈的对比,也提醒人们要不断吸取历史教训,避免类似事件再次发生。 (至少200字)

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Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, we take a look at the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, where the small U.S. town of Salem was gripped by mass hysteria involving witchcraft. 20 innocent men and women were executed, but were later pardoned. Many believe that Salem, Massachusetts, remains haunted, with some using modern witchcraft to appease vengeful spirits and lift this legendary curse.

Cast List:

Sam Baltrusis: Author & Historian 

Lynn Picknett: Historian and researcher specialising in exposing historical conspiracies. She is also the co-author of several notable works

Dominic Selwood: Historian, barrister, bestselling author, novelist and frequent contributor to national newspapers including The Independent, The Spectator and The Daily Telegraph

Andrew Gough: Writer, presenter and editor of The Heretic Magazine 

Richard Felix: A historian and lecturer specialising in local and paranormal history.

Dr. Karen Bellinger: Anthropologist, archaeologist, and historian 

Dr. Sheila K. Hoffman: Art Historian, Iconologist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Massachusetts

Thomas Vallor: Salem Historian

Nick Dickinson: Witch, Headmistress of Circe Academy in Salem 

Jacqui Allouise: Witch, owner of The Cauldron Black in Salem

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