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Lost Treasures of Petra

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Forbidden History

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Dr. Suleiman Farajat
Jamie Theakston
Jamie Theakston:通过对彼特拉遗址的实地考察和与当地贝都因人的交流,发现彼特拉可能仍有大量宝藏埋藏在地下。这基于以下几个方面:首先,彼特拉曾是重要的贸易中心,途经此地的珍贵物品可能遗留下来;其次,历史传说和文献记载暗示着宝藏的存在,例如埃及法老的宝藏以及1927年报纸的报道;再次,当地贝都因人长期以来一直在寻找宝藏,并经常发现文物,这表明宝藏的存在并非空穴来风;最后,彼特拉遗址只有少量被挖掘,大部分区域仍未探索,这为宝藏的存在提供了可能性。 Dr. Suleiman Farajat:作为彼特拉遗址的前任主管,他指出彼特拉的现代景象与它鼎盛时期大相径庭,大量的沙土和碎石覆盖着古老的街道和中心区域。如果能够清除这些覆盖物,很可能发现更多宝藏。他还强调了保护已发掘文物的必要性,指出如果文物暴露在外,不如将其留在地下。 Ahmed:作为当地贝都因人,他证实了彼特拉地下仍有许多宝藏,并解释了贝都因人夜间挖掘文物的行为,因为白天挖掘是不被允许的。他们通过挖掘和出售文物来维持生计,一些文物会被保留,一些则会被出售。 Abdullah:另一位贝都因人,他强调了贝都因人对彼特拉地区的了解,以及他们对宝藏的所有权的认知。他们认为,如果在他们的土地上发现宝藏,那么宝藏就属于他们。他们还展示了他们收藏的文物,并解释了这些文物的价值和来源。 Jamie Theakston: 'There were ancient treasures, which were ancient even then, being found, that were finding their way through Petra.' 'I can't believe that my nose is this close to something that's 8,000 years old.' 'I think it's very probable that of all the valuable goods that came through, a great many treasures were left there and are buried there to this day.' Dr. Suleiman Farajat: 'What we see in modern Petra is very different from what it was like when it was in its prime... Heaven alone knows what's buried under those streets, and especially under the magnificent building known as the Treasury.' 'Not all of the site here has been excavated, has it? No, only I can say 15% of the site has been excavated.' Ahmed: 'Yeah, still many things because, you know, exactly from like 60% of Petra out and now undergrounds.' 'Sometimes in the winter times... Some of them he dig in the nights. Because it's not allowed.' 'Not allowed, but we try to make our living. Sometimes we go, all of us, you know.' Abdullah: 'Nobody knows. But you know, they go and they dig. Some of them they find treasure, some of them not.' 'If I know there is treasure, I will go. And do the Bedouin believe that that treasure belongs to them? If it was their land, the treasure is theirs? You know, for example, like if I found it, it's for me.'

Deep Dive

Petra, one of the great wonders of the ancient world, raises questions about its builders and purpose. The city, carved out of solid rock, combines diverse architectural styles and is situated in a remote desert location.
  • Petra, a wonder of the ancient world, is known for its unique rock-cut architecture and remote desert location.
  • The city's builders and their reasons for choosing such a location remain a mystery.

Shownotes Transcript

A very small percentage of the ancient city of Petra in Jordan has been excavated by archaeologists - what treasures could still lie undisturbed beneath the city in hidden tombs? Investigative journalist Jamie Theakston travels to Jordan to see what he can find…

Cast List:

Rev. Lionel Fanthorpe: Author ‘Mysteries & Secrets of Time’

Alan Butler: Author ‘Before the Pyramids’

**Lynn Picknett: **Historian and researcher specialising in exposing historical conspiracies. She is also the co-author of several notable works

Dr. Suleiman Farajat: Former Director of Petra Site 

Clive Prince: Co-Author, The Templar Revelation 

Simon Cox: Author ‘Decoding the Lost Symbol’ 

Jamie Theakston: Investigative Journalist 

**Eric Meyers: **Narrator

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