cover of episode Alien Autopsy: History's Greatest Hoaxes

Alien Autopsy: History's Greatest Hoaxes

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Forbidden History

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Boese
Guy Walters
Joe Nickell
John Humphreys
Linda Papadopoulos
Marcus Brigstocke
Nick Pope
Ray Santilli
Spyros Melaris
Eric Meyers: 1995年,一部声称记录了罗斯威尔事件中外星生物尸检的黑白影片在伦敦首映,引发巨大轰动。影片的真实性随即受到质疑。 Ray Santilli: 影片经过修复和营销后得以发行,但原始素材不足。制作方旨在让公众自行判断影片真伪,并不关心最终结论。 Spyros Melaris: 我参与了影片的拍摄、冲洗和剪辑,力求影片真实可信,经受住时间的考验。影片的成功在于其独特性和差异性,以及对罗斯威尔事件的巧妙利用。 John Humphreys: 影片使用了鸡内脏、羊腿骨等材料制作外星生物模型。外星人的形象力求贴近人类,而非夸张的科幻形象。 Linda Papadopoulos: 即使我不相信外星人,影片的逼真程度也让我有所怀疑。人们观看该节目一部分出于好奇,一部分出于对自身安全的担忧。 Guy Walters: 作为一名怀疑论者,我一开始就认为影片是骗局,但影片中某些细节也让我有所动摇。外星人的形象符合人们的文化想象。 Alex Boese: 影片中外星人的形象过于人形化,这可能暗示着趋同进化,或者暗示着他们是时间旅行者。影片利用了罗斯威尔事件的公众认知,并迎合了人们对美国政府掩盖真相的猜想。 Marcus Brigstocke: 影片中的外星人形象类似于人类模型,头部较大,手指较多,这与我对外星人的想象有所不同。影片制作过程充满戏剧性和喜剧性。 Joe Nickell: 影片中外星人的尸体显得橡胶般柔软,内脏像肉块,不像真实的尸检过程。 Nick Pope: 我受邀参加了影片的首映式,但并未抱有特别的期待,也没有看到其他政府人员出席。我质疑影片的年代和技术水平与罗斯威尔事件不符。我怀疑自己受邀并非为了认可影片,而是为了在幕后增加一些非官方的可信度。政府部门的沉默也暗示了他们知道影片是伪造的。

Deep Dive

In 1995, a film allegedly showing the autopsy of an alien from the Roswell crash was presented. While initially astonishing, the film's authenticity was questioned due to the creature's humanoid appearance and the rubbery texture of its body.
  • The film was presented in London in 1995, claiming to show an alien autopsy from the 1947 Roswell incident.
  • The film raised questions about its authenticity due to the alien's humanoid form and unconvincing body texture.

Shownotes Transcript

Forbidden History presents History's Greatest Hoaxes

In the 1990s, a British music and record promoter presented a black and white film and claimed it was footage of a Roswell-era alien autopsy. While many believed it to be real at the time, it is now recognised as a hoax, with the producers of the film going public with exactly what methods they used to make the programme so believable...

Cast List:

**Guy Walters: **A British author, historian, and journalist who has written several books on WWII. As a journalist for The Times, he writes on historical topics for the national press.

Dr. Linda Papadopoulos: Author & Psychologist

Joe Nickell: Paranormal Investigator

Nick Pope: UK Ministry of Defense

Alex Boese: Author, The World's Greatest Hoaxes

Ray Santilli: Filmmaker

**Marcus Brigstocke: **Author & Comedian

**John Humphreys: **Special Effects Artist

**Spyros Melaris: **Cameraman

Eric Meyers: Narrator

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