cover of episode A New Kind Of Undecided Voter

A New Kind Of Undecided Voter

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FiveThirtyEight Politics

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Galen Druk
Mary Radcliffe
Nathaniel Rakich
Galen Druk:就目前FiveThirtyEight的平均值来看,哈里斯在全国范围内领先两个百分点,但在威斯康星州、密歇根州、宾夕法尼亚州、内华达州和北卡罗来纳州,民调结果均不相上下。佐治亚州和亚利桑那州,特朗普则领先两个百分点。此外,近期共和党民调机构发布的民调增多,引发了关于操纵民调结果的质疑。 Mary Radcliffe和Nathaniel Rakich:虽然共和党背景的民调有所增加,但这对整体民调结果的影响微乎其微。民调结果的波动属于正常现象,不必过度解读。面对大选民调带来的焦虑,建议关注民调平均值,而非每日波动。 Nathaniel Rakich:难以精确计算尚未决定投票给谁的选民比例,估计在5%到10%之间。预计本次大选的第三方候选人得票率将接近2020年水平,而非2016年水平。 Mary Radcliffe:如今的摇摆选民与以往不同,他们更年轻、更男性化、更温和,且不太关注政治新闻。候选人正在尝试通过非传统媒体途径(例如播客、游戏网站广告)接触这些摇摆选民。 Nathaniel Rakich:"未决定选民"和"摇摆选民"并非完全相同,"未决定选民"比例高的群体更值得关注。关注"未决定选民"比例高的群体,而非单纯关注民调结果接近50-50的群体。 Galen Druk,Mary Radcliffe和Nathaniel Rakich:候选人正在调整竞选策略,从劝说选民转向动员已支持自己阵营的选民投票。特朗普的激烈言辞可能旨在激励其支持者投票,但其言辞并未体现在其竞选广告中,这表明其言辞并非经过精心策划的竞选策略。 Galen Druk和Mary Radcliffe:内布拉斯加州的参议员选举竞争异常激烈,但由于民调数据有限,难以准确判断最终结果。内布拉斯加州参议员选举中,未决定的选民很可能最终投票给共和党候选人。内布拉斯加州参议员选举竞争激烈,但共和党候选人仍被认为更有胜算。奥斯本的政治立场比较复杂,既有保守的一面,也有自由的一面。

Deep Dive

The podcast discusses the changing profile of undecided voters and how campaigns are adapting to reach them.
  • Undecided voters are less engaged in traditional political media and are younger, more male, and more likely to be voters of color.
  • Campaigns are using non-traditional media like podcasts and gaming sites to reach these voters.
  • The top concern among undecided voters is inflation and the economy.

Shownotes Transcript

With Election Day just two weeks away, Republicans and Democrats are zeroing in on undecided voters. But the profile of the typical swing voter has changed. Move over, soccer moms. Say hello to … podcast bros?

In this installment of the 538 Politics podcast, the crew looks at who the undecided voters are in this election. They also examine what appears to be a surprisingly competitive Senate race in ruby-red Nebraska.

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