An irreverent look at tabletop roleplaying games and a little bit more.
* (0:24) A joke to an AI becomes a show topic. * (2:48) Characters born in a cursed forest, with
* (0:29) Switching to a bucket list of what we want to play. * (1:30) Wayne wants to play Dresde
* (0:29) The bucket list of games we want to run. * (1:31) Doug’s long-term campaign. *
* (0:30) An old Apple //c computer and early computer RPGs. * (4:16) Transitioning from video ga
* (0:29) What is your goal for the first session of a game? * (2:10) Who are these characters re
* (0:23) Prompts and prepositions. The clockwork circus is coming to town! * (1:40) Wayne’
* (0:29) Fear the Con has funded and the sign-up site is live! We hope to see you Thursday, June 20
* (0:29) Wayne has a problem: the Wardens from Dresden Files. Coming up with too many excuses for w
* (0:30) What steps do we take to bring a character to life? * (1:49) Ask what’s important
Today’s ingredient: The dead are consuming the living. Why and how? Let’s find out!
* (0:29) In defense of technology at the gaming table. Caleb’s setup with Owlbear Rodeo. *
I decided to skip over the Iron GM and go for a Tungsten GM. The ingredient? All broadcasts cease b
* (0:30) Dan runs a game a bit too literally. * (4:12) The intersection of technology and rolepl
* (0:29) Why talk about intelligence? The Why Files episode about Cicada 3301. * (9:24) A game t
* (0:22) Picking out the point we became curmudgeons and what exactly that means. * (4:48) Being
* (0:29) Reintroducing Julia’s husband, Mike. * (2:24) Lowered expectations, inspired by a
* (0:29) Thanks to Eric Van Note for Swole Mole! * (3:15) The value of terrible GMing. * (8:4
* (0:29) Dan prefers affiliated groups, Wayne does not. * (2:15) Cohesion, identity, and help.
* (0:28) An update on the Actual Play. * (4:48) The InSpectres RPG (at least temporarily back in
* (0:28) Things are getting set for Fear the Con! An intro to RPGs game is available for