Family Life Movement

Matt & Jocelyn Woodrum co-host the Family Life Movement podcast which is all about having real conv


Total: 70

Coming Back Soon!


Thank you for being patient with us! The Facebook group and our website will be getting a facelift a

Loneliness and IsolationDepressionNot being 'equally yoked' in relationshipsIntimacyApplicationWe wi

 Not being understood is painful-across the lifespan and in various relationshipsThe difference betw

Introduction to Dallas and Nancy DemmittMiscommunicationBody Language Our goals while reading  this

Personalities in our ChildrenDon't type young childrenCharacteristics- encourage the ones you wantBa

Work- Life Balance  Does it exist?Using Enneagram for balancing our livesFaithEnneagram in relations

Overcoming Struggles Broken TrustLoss in FamilyEnneagramUse what works for youDate nightsConversatio

A quick Update


Next Week: Theresa McCloy will be with us! She is amazing and talks about the enneagram and her REAL

Blame GameDopamine HitIgnoringBe the ChangeYou don't have all of the answersYou have the power to ma

Becoming better is needed before the solutionWake-up! Pay attention- our kids are watching usCreated

Stop taking  family for granted. Family is thicker than water Looking at what will actually make us

Cannot run on empty!Cannot do it all on your own. Get a mentor/ coach to talk toTake care of your ph

Time to Dad-Up Raise the bar of other stay at home parentsOvercoming the challenges that ariseStigma

Stay-at-Home Dads What dad’s look like in mediaMarriageServant LeadershipStay-at-Home Dads: The Chal

Health of our ChildrenImportance of food Mental and physical impactImproving our kids’ mindsetsLet t

This episode was recorded in January 2020 for Matt's coming podcast-Wrestling with Fatherhood Reload

This episode  was recorded in January 2020 for Matt's coming podcast-Wrestling with Fatherhood Reloa

Talking about death before hand and made sure to take time to spend with himUsed the word die not pu

Breaking the Patterns of Childhood/Love Trauma with Riana Milne (part 2) Effects of Trauma3 generati

Childhood & Love Trauma with Riana Milne (part 1) Types of Trauma  Effects of TraumaCurrent medicati