Learn something new every day! Everything Everywhere Daily is a daily podcast for Intellectually Cu
People didn’t travel much in the ancient world. But, for those who did they developed the ancient eq
The Roman Catholic Papacy is one of the oldest institutions in the world, second only to the Chrysan
Here is a question you’ve probably never bothered to think about before….What is the oldest man made
Our ability to measure time is one of the fundamental things which makes us human. We’ve gone from v
Pandemics can be world-changing events. The aftermath of a pandemic can shape societies and topple e
Everyone is probably familiar with Murphy’s Law which says that “Anything which can go wrong will go
While different countries may debate as to what sport should really be called ‘football’, the realit
The Latin Alphabet has become the most widespread system of writing in the world. Its origins can be
Everyone loves french fries. It is one of the few things which most people can agree on in the world
On May 31, 2020, Irene Triplett passed away at the age of 90. Her life was rather unremarkable save
If there is one song almost everyone knows it is Happy Birthday to You (yes, that is the actual titl
The border between the United States and Canada is the longest border between any two countries in t
The longbow was one of the most devastating weapons in medieval Europe. It was a weapon that could l
Which person can be credited with having saved the most human lives in history? There might not be a
Of the 193 countries in the United Nations, exactly three haven’t adopted the widespread use of the
In the Roman Republic, men of senatorial rank could compete for political offices which were placed
North America and Europe have much which separates them culturally as well as geographically. One of
Lis Hartel was a Danish equestrian competitor in the 1940s and 1950s. She competed in the 1952 Olymp
Each of the 50 states in the United States has a unique history. 13 of them were originally British
Ask most Muslims what the holiest site is in Islam, and they would all obviously tell you it is the