Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English? English Learning for Curious Minds is
In March of 2018, it was revealed that 50 million Facebook profiles had been "hacked" and used to t
In the late 19th century there was fierce competition to provide electricity to the rapidly industr
Worldwide we produce over 2 billion tonnes of rubbish every year. In this episode, we explore the h
For much of human civilisation, people have fought each to the death as a way of resolving argument
In this episode, we'll explore the weird and fascinating origins of five foods that you know and (p
There are over a billion smokers across the world, and over 7 trillion cigarettes are smoked every
It's an amazing piece of legislation that protects the Earth's most isolated continent.In this epis
In the 18th century, a small region of southwest England was the national centre for the illegal im
He was the Romantic poet famously described as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know".In this episode, w
In September 1939, the British government embarked on the biggest civilian operation in British his
From a young age, he believed he was destined for greatness, and he became the UK's prime minister
It's the second most popular drink in the world after water, with 3.7 billion cups drunk every sing
Learn how to actually use podcasts to improve your English listening, vocabulary, speaking, and eve
On February 6th, the 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth will celebrate her 70th anniversary of being the q
In the 17th century, Britain decided to kill its king and experiment with life without a monarch.In
Over the past twenty years, over half a million Americans have died of opioid overdoses.In this epi
He was told by countless people that he would never make it as a star, yet by his mid-20s he was th
His early life was full of tragedy and misfortune, but Ray Charles never let this get in his way.In
As a general rule, people are very bad at predicting the future.In this episode, we'll take a look
He was the most famous bank robber in American history and is still thought of as a Robin Hood-type