cover of episode 187. The Birth of Britain

187. The Birth of Britain

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Murray Pittock
Murray Pittock: 我认为,虽然一部分人支持1707年的合并,但绝大多数苏格兰民众是反对的。然而,当时的局势迫使许多政治家不得不选择合并。这源于苏格兰在17世纪的帝国野心。苏格兰一直试图通过王室获得海外殖民地,但由于缺乏实力和资源,以及英国的排挤,这些努力都失败了。达里恩计划的失败是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,它最终促使苏格兰寻求与英格兰合并。 苏格兰在17世纪末18世纪初的经济状况很糟糕,这与长期内战、气候变化导致的歉收以及达里恩计划的失败有关。此外,苏格兰的外交政策也受到英国的制约,其海外贸易也因英荷战争而受损。这些因素共同导致苏格兰的经济衰退,并最终促使它寻求与英格兰合并。 1707年的合并并非一蹴而就,而是经历了漫长的谈判和激烈的政治斗争。苏格兰议会最终以微弱优势通过了合并法案,但民众对此强烈反对,认为支持合并的代表们为了金钱出卖了苏格兰。合并后,苏格兰失去了独立的议会和外交政策,但保留了其教会和银行体系。 合并后,苏格兰立即爆发了雅各布派起义,试图推翻合并,这反映了苏格兰民众对合并的强烈不满。这场起义也凸显了合并对苏格兰国际地位的改变,使其从拥有全球影响力的国家转变为英国的一部分。 总的来说,1707年的合并是一场充满争议的政治博弈,它既是苏格兰经济和政治困境的结果,也是苏格兰民众对自身未来选择的结果。 William Dalrymple: (在节目中主要负责引导话题,提出问题,没有发表长篇论述) Anita: (在节目中主要负责引导话题,提出问题,没有发表长篇论述)

Deep Dive

Scotland's repeated attempts to establish colonies were thwarted by lack of resources and English trade restrictions. The failure of the Darien scheme, a major colonial venture, significantly impacted Scotland's economy and fueled the push towards union with England.
  • Scotland's colonial ambitions were repeatedly blocked.
  • English navigation acts restricted Scottish trade.
  • The Darien scheme's failure dealt a severe blow to Scotland's economy.

Shownotes Transcript

With the accession of James I and VI in 1603, Scotland was assimilated into the composite monarchy of the United Kingdom. James, an eccentric, insecure and rambling figure, preoccupied with witches, was himself an alien in his new English court. Even at this stage though, it seems unlikely that the two nations would be legally combined under one parliament. But, with Scottish interests abroad constantly embattled by a lack of resources and the exclusionist attitude of its English neighbours; their flailing economy, and in-fighting, Scottish sovereignty within the composite monarchy began diminishing. As such, many in Scotland began resisting any union of the two nations with increasing desperation, while the English government - under the pro-union Queen Anne - in response redoubled their efforts to see the Scottish parliament subsumed…Was the union of Scotland and England now inevitable, or could a Scottish Referendum in 1706 protect Scottish independence?  

In this week’s episode, William and Anita are joined by renowned historian Murray Pittock to discuss the process by which Scotland was brought into Union with England, the condition of the new state, and the long term repercussions of this seminal moment for the future of Great Britain…

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Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Producer: Callum Hill

Exec Producer: Neil Fearn

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