A weekly podcast about the future of learning. Join host Jeff Young and other EdSurge reporters as t
In Episode 51, we're bringing you the edtech news and a deep dive into sexual assault on college cam
Larry Cuban—whose been a teacher, a superintendent, and more—is an academic whose thoughts and feeli
EdSurge has been all over the place these last few weeks— from the Educon conference in Philadelphia
The term on everyone's lips these days is “adaptive learning:" Proponents promise the technology has
We're bringing you the latest in edtech from the week of January 23-30: Pearson and Scholastic's dar
What’s math got to do with it? Everything, says Dan Meyer, creator of the the popular blog dy/dan. M
Last week, we interviewed Beth Box, who wanted to reinvigorate waning student interest and boost her
Beth Box is a lifelong resident of Okeechobee, Florida. She's also a 7th grade civics teacher at Yea
Salman Khan’s Lab School in Mountain View, CA, has slowly been gaining recognition—but is it really
(rerun) What's the biggest edtech deal of 2015? That would, be LinkedIn's acquisition of Lynda.com.
EdSurge had a pleasant surprise last night, so we wrote a poem about it. Merry Christmas!
The Maker movement. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, this phrase refers to a recent tren
This week on the podcast, we hear pitches from three brave companies, BloomBoard, edWeb and LessonC
Being a superintendent is anything but easy. Bureaucratic politics, having to work with multiple sta
We've been hearing all year about the wonderful things students are doing with podcasts. So this wee
Girls are underrepresented in computer science education and professions. According to the National
Steve Blank is known by some as “The Startup Whisperer" -- the guy that entrepreneurs turn to when t
This year's annual iNACOL symposium began and concluded this week in Orlando, Florida. The event fea
Ever wonder about all the hype about using Minecraft in the Classroom? This week, we explore how rea
This week on the podcast, we invite you on an international field trip to our northern neighbours. O