A weekly podcast about the future of learning. Join host Jeff Young and other EdSurge reporters as t
When the only school in Donora, Pennsylvania, closed a few years ago, it hit the town’s residents ha
One long-time expert on preventing student cheating argues that understanding why students cheat is
There’s a growing push to add AI literacy as a subject in schools and colleges. But what exactly is
We found the theme song for the EdSurge Podcast on a free music library years ago, after spending ho
When students transfer from community colleges to four-year universities, there’s often culture shoc
A new documentary project about Sacagawea, the young woman from the Shoshone tribe who helped guide
Should kids wear smartwatches? Companies market the wearable devices to kids as young as 4 years old
ChatGPT and other chatbots are modeled after how the human brain works. And one of the pioneers of t
Many school districts and states have enacted new restrictions on smartphones in classrooms during i
College grads are facing a tough job market these days, with experts saying the college degree holds
When the web was new back in the late 1990s, Robert Ubell was among those pushing for its adoption t
Over the past few months, a group of educators has been designing and testing a system that uses Cha
As pandemic relief funds run out — which helped many students connect to the internet to keep up wi
The high cost of college is changing how high schoolers think about whether or not to go. A new book
A student who was just a few classes shy of graduating from Morehouse College was excited to try its
A professor has been running an unusual experiment looking for signs of racial and gender bias in AI
Two instructors made AI chatbot versions of themselves to help teach their classes, and they say cla
It’s still popular to prize students who have “grit,” who overcome tough odds to succeed. A book by
The Rhodes Scholarship was designed to forge a network of people who would go on to rule the world.
The SAT can feel very different to different students. While it can give any college applicant stres