Eating Habits for Life

In Eating Habits for Life, Kate Johnston helps career women and fellow women in healthcare transform


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Career women are susceptible to certain eating habits, and understanding why makes it feel better, p

The Power of Curiosity


If you're struggling with transforming your eating habits or achieving your weight loss goals, it's

Your Sugar Mindset Makeover


How you think about sugar, your capabilities, and yourself affects your feelings, behaviors, and res

Love dining out, but think it's something you'll have to give up to lose weight?The great news, you

Why do you instantly go for the chocolate or the potato chips when you get home from work or complet

If you're trying to eat healthier and maybe even lose weight, then you're going to want healthier ea

Changing your eating habits benefits those you love in many ways, one being that they can be influen

Weighing yourself on the scale is only one way to collect data when you're on a weight loss journey.

Has self-discipline been something you feel like you're lacking? If so, that may be why you've had d

As you're on the journey of changing your eating habits for your health and/or to lose weight, you m

Your eating habits story is just a belief or set of beliefs that your brain has been feeding to you

Nighttime Snacking Habit


Curious about where your nighttime snacking habit came from and if it's even possible to break?I'm s

It may seem like a chore or even impossible to attempt losing weight with a busy schedule, especiall

Emotional Eating at Work


Ever wonder why emotional eating at work is something you struggle with? It's not because you can't

Your thoughts ultimately influence your behaviors, which includes eating behaviors. The human brain

In this episode, I'm sharing how weight loss that fits your lifestyle plays a vital role in your suc

Choosing a goal for weight loss is both fun and necessary. You'll need something measurable, so that

My Emotional Eating Habit


In this episode, it’s a tell-all regarding my emotional eating habit when I was in my twenties and e

Many eating habits are caused by current triggers and challenges, but sometimes they’re also from ci

To help you get out of an emotional eating habit, it's necessary to first have awareness.Awareness o