Dr Karl Podcast

Join Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Lucy Smith and their scientific guests, with a bunch of curious triple j


Total: 268

What's actually happening when you get the wind knocked out of you? Why does swallowing combat yawn

If the whole population stood in one spot and ran would the earth spin like a treadmill? What would

Why is it so dangerous to look directly at a solar eclipse? How do we know that all foods taste the

Why does my voice wobble when I have vulnerable conversations? Why does food taste different at dif

What impact does trauma have on your memory? Why do chillies burn your tongue and lips but not your

Why do some medications reduce your sex drive? Why do dogs bite their own tail? And if you were pre

What is it about beans that make us fart? Why do we lose muscle so quickly? How does a drink's temp

Why do old people have such a distinctive smell? What would happen if gravity suddenly doubled? And

Is it possible to speed up or slow down the speed of sound? Will stars eventually become invisible

What does space smell like? Is the youngest sibling technically more elite? And do bushfires burn a

Why does the sun feel hotter on certain days? What would happen if an astronaut sneezed inside his

How important are orgasms to our mental health? What would happen if the world stopped spinning? An

Does working out increase your sex drive? Should we be worried about seagulls eating too many chips

Can drinking apple cider vinegar improve gut health? Is it okay to put chicken in the fridge while

Are we connected to all our muscles? Why do I get sleepy when I have passengers in my car? Does dri

How does a shark smell blood in water? Does jet lag feel worse when travelling east to west? Should

Could you sunbathe on the moon? Does the atmosphere alter our vision? Does the earths magnetic fiel

Does sex impact sporting performance? What is antibiotic resistance? Should we give plastic trees t

How do we remove earwax safely? Why is it cold at the peak of a mountain if hot air rises? Why don'

Can thunder hurt you? Why is my skin sticky? Why do I have the exact same dream every night?Dr Karl