Join Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Lucy Smith and their scientific guests, with a bunch of curious triple j
Why do I need to pee every time I get to my front door? How long could you survive in a car with ju
Are electric vehicles still better for the environment if you charge them with a non-renewable ener
How much air pollution do space launches cause? Why don’t babies get bad breath in the morning? And
Why does my Bluetooth speaker glitch when I'm using the microwave? Can fears be genetically passed
How small does an animal need to be to survive a great fall? Is it safe to reheat tea or coffee in
Are we really eating spiders in our sleep? Do bees have knees? Why are cockroaches so resilient?Dr
Can AI rewrite its own software? How much water would we need to take to the moon to make it inhabi
Why are we seeing Olympic records in some sports but not others? Does cracking your fingers actuall
Are there more planets than grains of sand on earth? Does food go mouldy in space? And have we star
Is urine sterile enough to clean a wound? Why do our noses run so much in the cold? And can you cha
Is height predetermined at birth? Could plants have memories? And when we die, is it more environme
How do some trees survive extreme bushfires? Where did AI begin? And what's the climate change issu
Why does it become harder to learn things as we get older? If you injured yourself in space, would
Can long term use of cannabis change your eye colour? Why do adults feel the cold more than kids? A
Why does our skin dry out more in winter? If you were born deaf and blind, how would you think? And
What role do genetics play in determining how smart someone will be? Why are rainbows always the sa
If all planets are stuck in the sun's gravitational pull, what stops them from being completely pul
Can we harness the power of earthquakes? Why don't dogs have bellybuttons like us? And why tf do yo
What kind of math formulas go into AI? What influences our biggest fears? And can humans acclimatis
Can eating certain foods change the taste of bodily fluids? Why do I get congested after a night ou