Don Woods

Don is a great singer/songwriter who always has an ingenious take on a situation.Don has been a corr


Total: 424

What Have I got in my Hand?


The song I’ve sent you this week was the extended version of a jingle I did for Norman Thomas on Rad

The song I’ve sent you this week ....... I wrote and recorded as the B side to Beatle City which you

Rock around the Clock!


The song I’ve sent you is from an interesting period of my songselling activities. It was origina

Watch this space!


The track I’ve sent you this week is frmo the album “Portrait of Wales” which I produced for my mate

Dick Turpin 2014


The track I’ve sent you this week is called “The 4122” which was the last train down the Wirral way

Don's in Love!


The song I have sent you this week is about everyone’s favourite lady Una Stubbs…...she said she wa

Gin Gan Goolie


The song I’ve sent you this week is one I composed and produced in the 80s for the Scout Movement….”

I'm in Love with Me!


.The song I've sent is one I wrote for wrestler Adrian Street and was one of the first records I mad



Thank goodness the Scottish referendum is over… This week I have found one of my ancient classic n

I spent this afternoon on my kayak in Chester….it was paradise…so I thought I’d send you a tribute t

The Vacuum and Skiffle


After slating the X Factor last week I thought I’d have a look at the new series to see if had impro

Wirral- World's Best?


.Sad news about Richard Attenborough....He was in one of the funniest sketches I've ever w

Cliff….oh dear…the witch hunt continues…as usual no charges – probably no real evidence…yet he’s all

The Nanny State strikes drinks have to let you know how dangerous they are for your heal

Edwin Starr said it all in his song WAR. What is it good for...absolutely nothing and such a waste o

I watched Terry Christian on a chat show recently…I LOVE this fella…he says it like it is…he said th

What happened to Julie?


.......and to track 8 on my CD “What Happened To Julie?”…which begs the simple question as to wherea

..and to the 7th track on my album…”Tribute to Ricky Nelson”….I’ve always been a huge fan of the guy

..track 6 on my CD (Doowop Pioneers)was an idea to educate the world as to what is actually Doowop..

Rolph Harris has been all over the news this week….WOW…what a fall from grace…MBE OBE CBE and portra