.Sad news about Richard Attenborough....He was in one of the funniest sketches I've ever seen...it was about 25 years ago in a programme called "Alas it's Smith and Jones"....with Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones.....he said he had just completed filming Ghandi and required the music track...to which Mel said he had the man to do it...the best...Griff then turns up on a pushbike with a banjo and sings a ridiculous song in a 48 track studio....Sir Richard played it dead straight concluding with "GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!"....I always admire anyone who sends themselves up.....great guy.
Kate Bush has recently made a comeback after 30 odd years...and stormed it in a live concert...rave reviews....never quite got her...bit too far out for my taste...but good luck to her....however I did like the orchestration on Wuthering Heights….and unfortunately the X Factor is returning….the least talent being behind the judges desk
The Nanny State strikes again!!....some bright spark who is obviously trying to create a job for himself has suggested that the over 50's should be advised (via a leaflet) on how to handle forthcoming old age...re organising pensions and how to keep fit etc.....OVER 50's!!!!!....then another bright spark suggested this was too young...maybe OVER 65s....I looked at these blokes and thought I'm better looking...more intelligent....and more talented than both of them put together...they know where they can stick their advice.
When a nine year old girl gets taught how to use an automatic weapon (with drastic consequences) one has to seriously question the mentality of Americans….they are so quick to condemn others….what a hypocritical nation they are……and the “proud” parents filming it……I despair.
The song I have sent you this week should be close to your heart as it's about your home......The Wirral Song.....this came to me when I was standing on Thurstaston Hill in the 80s and thought there's the Mersey...there's the Dee...and there's the Irish Sea....gotta be a song there so I came up with this one....I took it to the Wirral Council who ordered 4000 copies to promote their leisure services...I wrote a a Bside (as it was vinyl) about the Wirral Way....the song actually made the local Top Ten as compiled by one of the local major stores