David Boles: Human Meme

This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are


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Outrage Fatigue


We are constantly bombarded with negativity. How can we escape this whirlwind of insecurity, and cru

Elastic Emotional Residue


We lead sticky and wet lives! The residue of our emotional responses never leaves us -- and that can

Have a double-healthcare-whammy: Bleeding and Pooping! Welcome to the world of malignant skin cancer

We often believe without knowing. Here's the true story of a young, Lily-White Boy from Nebraska who

There is No Destination


If change is the vitality of life, then we must wish for change to never end. We prefer to carve our

How to Write a Contract


Contracts codify relationships. Many of us have no idea how to write a relationship, or how to save

Hard Nebraska


You grow up hard, and cold, in Nebraska. Expectation is high for any person born in the flatlands. L

Talk to Yourself


Don't listen. Talk. Talking to yourself is more important than listening to your gut. Talk to soothe

Shakespeare knew we were flawed in the dark. We think we know, we think we see the light -- but we a

Write it and forget it. That's the right advice to follow when you are an active writer. Danger lurk

We don't know what we do not know until we ask. We ask and answer about the mysterious health benefi

You Are Not Gifted


We are not our futures; we are only our past. How, then, do we test time, and efficiency, and the pr

Close your eyes. Jump a timeline. Live a new life inside the life you are already living. We appear

Why are the disabled used to shame the average-bodied into better behavior? Does the armless archer

Fitting Into the World


Your life always belongs to you. There will always be others who try to bend your life into theirs -

Subscription Burnout


We pay too much to play! The software subscription is out of whack. If you want to get any sort of i

We write to see what we do not know. 99% of writing is thinking, staring, meandering, and daydreamin

Democracy Without Values


Democracies fall apart without a shared moral core. If the idea of a Democracy has no set of impenet

How We Train Taste


Taste is trained, not inborn. Through those we admire, we learn how to influence the world with grac

Blood of the Deceiver


How do we handle the treacherous in genius? Can we still celebrate Michael Jackson's music, while fu