David Boles: Human Meme

This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are


Total: 766

Publishing is for everyone, not just mega-media conglomerates, and in this examination of the transf

This is a discussion of the staves of dramatic theory: Plot, Character, Thought, Diction, Music, and

Why Do We Create?


Why do we create Art and People and Books and Sandwiches? What drives the human compunction to be re

The Idea of Beauty


The idea of beauty is discussed. How have our tastes in physical beauty, Art and Architecture change

We discuss how life has changed from mechanization, and the loss of wonder. Transportation, Communic

What is a Human Meme?


This is the first episode! The definition of a human life is at stake, and the loss of elastic think