David Boles: Human Meme

This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are


Total: 767

On Kneeling


We kneel to show devotion and respect to others. We kneel for forgiveness, in joy, and to confirm de

We Learn What We See


Vision isn't just about viewing, seeing is about knowing and recognizing. How do we determine friend

Girl Talk and Gossip Gangs


Is gossip gender biased? It may be in the labeling, but not in the active living. Badmouthing and ba

VOTE for Your Life!


Today, we fight for freedom. Today, we vote. Today, we stand up. The vote is the most valuable asset

Insulted by Salt


We are being assaulted by salt! Sodium is everywhere. We cannot escape its avalanche of prepackaged

And No One Shall Mourn Him


And if he lived, what will the world have lost? Nothing. The love of wicked men converts to fear; Th

This Is Where You Fit


Who decides if you fit or not? Fitting in the world is a personal decision that is often decided by

Cynical and Gullible


Trust or don't trust? That's the basic question of the human condition. Are you untrusting, and cyni



We take on ballast to even us out, not to make us heavier. Ballast is an important part of a divine

Pandemic Parallettes


Staying healthy without a gym in the middle of a pandemic can be deadly! So why not create your own

The Sacred Loss of Time


Time is running out and we cannot stop our expiration. Time-shifting and time travel are not remedie

Contempt is the enemy of We The People. Unfortunately, contempt is also the fashionable moral moment

We arrive safe from danger with these six simple words. We calm ourselves, and each other, with the

Not All Ideas Are Equal


We have been falsely led to believe all voices matter. They do not. Some voices are practiced liars

We live to thrive to be remembered beyond the rattling grave. The great human equalizer today is the

Returning home is more difficult than the first leaving. We search for the past, and yearn to find m

Seeing a doctor online should be easier than visiting one in person. Unfortunately, that is not yet

The Playhouse


Community theatre brings people together -- for a price. Fame and glory do not arrive cheap. Making

Here's a manifesto against deconstruction. Are we excused from being the better person because of pe

Who’s Sarikaya Komzin?


The Office lives among us. The lesson that television show teaches us is to know what questions to a