cover of episode Talking Dateline: Wrong Turns

Talking Dateline: Wrong Turns

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Dateline NBC

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Josh Mankiewicz
Keith Morrison
Rebecca Glaser
Josh Mankiewicz: 本集讲述了Justin Hilbert的谋杀案,调查过程中另一个谋杀案的发生帮助警方拼凑出了完整的案情,揭示了这起案件错综复杂的阴谋,以及犯罪动机中贪婪、嫉妒和仇恨的复杂交织。案件调查和审判过程漫长,部分原因是阴谋的复杂性以及新冠疫情的影响。此外,他还讲述了与受害者家属沟通的艰难,以及对Bailey父母的同情。 Josh Mankiewicz还讲述了采访过程中与侦探的对话,以及侦探在告知Bailey父母其女儿参与谋杀案的真相时所面临的挑战。他描述了Bailey父母的反应,以及他们对女儿行为的坦诚态度。 最后,Josh Mankiewicz还分享了他在采访中使用桌子的习惯,以及这个桌子在应对情绪激动的受访者时的作用。 Keith Morrison: Keith Morrison强调了Hilbert谋杀案情节的离奇性,如同虚构故事一般,并对案件中时间紧迫性的复杂性进行了分析。他还表达了对作为谋杀目标却幸免于难的Tonia的同情,以及对采访中与Tonia谈话的感受。此外,Keith Morrison还分享了自己iPad被盗后报警,但因跨辖区问题而难以找回iPad的经历,以此来类比Ricky在案件中遇到的困境。 Rebecca Glaser: Rebecca Glaser主要从制作团队的角度,讲述了对案件的理解过程,以及在制作过程中遇到的挑战。她提到一开始对案件中所有人物的关系并不清楚,但知道Tonia会是关键人物。她还分享了在法庭上观察到的情况,以及被告试图与她联系的经历。最后,她谈到了观众对Justin的家人、Tonia和Logan之间破裂关系的关注,以及制作团队在报道中谨慎处理这一问题的态度。

Deep Dive

The chapter discusses the intricate murder plot involving Justin Hilbert, driven by greed, jealousy, and hatred, and how it ultimately led to unintended deaths.
  • Justin Hilbert's body was found on the side of the road.
  • Investigators uncovered a plot fueled by greed and jealousy.
  • The intended victim survived, but her boyfriend and one of the killers were killed.

Shownotes Transcript

Josh Mankiewicz talks with Keith Morrison about his episode “Wrong Turns.” When Justin Hilbert’s body was found on the side of the road, investigators never imagined it would take another murder to help them figure out who killed Justin. Josh plays an extra clip for Keith from his interview with the detective who pieced together the complicated murder plot. And Keith has a crime story of his own for Josh. Later, Dateline producers join the show to discuss your social media questions.

Listen to the full episode of “Wrong Turns” here: