This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the dis
Summary The promise of streaming data is that it allows you to react to new information as it happe
Summary As with all aspects of technology, security is a critical element of data applications, and
Summary With the rise of the web and digital business came the need to understand how customers are
Summary The ecosystem for data professionals has matured to the point that there are a large and gr
Summary There has been a lot of discussion about the practical application of data mesh and how to
Summary Cloud data warehouses have unlocked a massive amount of innovation and investment in data a
Summary Data is a team sport, but it's often difficult for everyone on the team to participate.
Summary This podcast started almost exactly six years ago, and the technology landscape was much di
Summary Business intelligence has gone through many generational shifts, but each generation has la
Summary The most interesting and challenging bugs always happen in production, but recreating them
Summary The modern data stack has made it more economical to use enterprise grade technologies to p
Summary Managing end-to-end data flows becomes complex and unwieldy as the scale of data and its va
Summary Making effective use of data requires proper context around the information that is being u
Summary With all of the messaging about treating data as a product it is becoming difficult to know
Summary Five years of hosting the Data Engineering Podcast has provided Tobias Macey with a wealth
Summary Encryption and security are critical elements in data analytics and machine learning applic
Summary One of the reasons that data work is so challenging is because no single person or team own
Summary The data ecosystem has seen a constant flurry of activity for the past several years, and i
Preamble This is a cross-over episode from our new show The Machine Learning Podcast, the show about
Summary One of the most critical aspects of software projects is managing its data. Managing the ope