Nancy Grace dives deep into the day’s most shocking crimes and asks the tough questions in her new d
Sheriff’s deputies responded to a home after workers saw bodies through a window when no one a
A trucker narrowly avoids hitting a missing girl who wandered away from her home. Cops argue with wa
16-year-old Sophia Martin Franklin is still missing. Sophia is 5’9”, 186 pounds, w
Jamie Dickerson never believed her daughter, April Holt, committed suicide. Not because she is in de
Justice Nation: Crime Stops Here is presented with limited commercial interruption thanks to Lifeloc
Susan Smith's ex-husband has revealed what she said to him after she killed their young boys. David
Taylor Meyer plans a Valentine's Day dinner for his wife, Deborah, with the theme "Bring Paris to Yo
Mom who refuses to accept suicide ruling for her daughter gets her son-in-law to confess to her murd
11:16 p.m. Saturday. Princeton police respond to a 911 call about a dead body and a fire in an apart
Teen son accidentally kills his father in a drunken fight. Memphis food truck customers don't react
Bryan Kohberger's attorneys have filed a motion to remove the death penalty as a sentencing option f
Believed mentally ill woman beats her mother to death in front of teen sister. Battery by hamburger?
A Pennsylvania family is worried sick about 14-year-old Enci “Aubrey” Wu, who disappeare
Stepfather shoots and kills 15-year-old boy because he didn't rake the leaves. ER 'patient' lodges h
Investigators quickly determine that Moriah "Mo" Wilson, shot dead at a friend's home, was not a ran
Woman stabbed to death by her boyfriend because he didn't like her haircut. Acrobatic car thief thin
A landlord staging a property in preparation for a new tenant, sees what appears to be the foot of a
Samantha Koenig was kidnapped at gunpoint from the Anchorage, Alaska, coffee stand where she worked