Nancy Grace dives deep into the day’s most shocking crimes and asks the tough questions in her new d
Wendy Williams, the former talk show host known for her catch phrase, “How you doin’?&rd
After an argument, Minnesota man refuses to let his teen girlfriend leave, repeatedly burns her with
The Feds expect to file additional charges against luxury real estate agents Tal and Oren Alexander,
An Indiana man strangles his pregnant girlfriend because they previously discussed not wanting child
Tonight, there is an active Amber Alert for 16-year-old Sophia Martin Franklin in Arkansas, more tha
Father guns down his daughter in cold blood when she confronts him about smoking inside. Attempted b
n Nebraska a 56-year-old man dies alone in his apartment. He seemed to be in good health and his fam
A successful children's author and her husband are arrested after their adopted daughter is hospital
Safety starts at home! Experts who have dedicated their lives to protecting children share the secre
Will the Ana Walshe murder investigation be derailed by the Karen Read mistrial? Trooper Micha
Pre-order Nancy Grace's What Happened to Ellen?: An American Miscarriage of Justice, out April 22. R
Mom removes all the smoke detectors then sets house on fire, with her three sleeping children inside
Sean “Diddy” Combs reportedly rushed to the hospital hours after prosecutors filed a sup
A mom who leaves her children alone nearly 24/7 to live with her boyfriend finds two-year-old girl d
Police responded to a shooting in New Haven. When they arrived, they found Kevin Jiang shot to death
12-year-old boy shot multiple times for throwing snowballs at passing cars with a friend. Starbuck's
Lisa and Christopher Damron head into town for a job interview, leaving the children with their gran
Off-Duty ATF Officer attempting to break up a fight shot in the back of the neck and permanently par
Richard Allen, a pharmacy technician convicted of murdering two teenage girls in Delphi, Indiana, is
A children's book author and her husband abuse and neglect their three adopted children. New York dr