cover of episode SERIAL KILLER: The Alphabet Murders Part 1

SERIAL KILLER: The Alphabet Murders Part 1

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Ashley Flowers和Britt Prawat详细讲述了1971年至1973年间发生在纽约州罗切斯特市的三个女孩Carmen Colon,Wanda Walkowitz和Michelle Mayenza的失踪和遇害案件。三个女孩都在傍晚时分失踪,并在几天后被发现遇害,都遭受了性侵犯和勒死。案件之间存在相似之处,例如受害者年龄相仿,都在傍晚时分失踪,尸体都被发现于路边,都发现了浅色猫毛。但也有不同之处,例如Carmen Colon的尸体部分衣物不全,而Wanda Walkowitz和Michelle Mayenza的尸体衣着完整,并且Wanda和Michelle死前被喂食了食物。调查人员对案件的关联性进行了调查,但由于证据不足,凶手至今未被找到。 本集节目通过对三个案件的详细描述,以及对案件中各种线索和证据的分析,展现了案件的复杂性和挑战性。节目中也探讨了目击者效应、警方调查的不足以及社会对案件的关注。节目最后留下悬念,暗示可能会有新的线索出现。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Dozens of commuters see a young girl fleeing a car on the side of the expressway in Rochester, NY, but no one pulls over to help. The community is devastated when her body is discovered just days later, but it’s assumed to be a tragic but isolated incident. But when more young girls go missing, only to have their bodies discovered within days in a similar manner… the community must ask: is a serial killer stalking the streets of Rochester? And is he choosing his victims based on a seemingly random characteristic? This is Part 1 of 2.



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Crime Junkie is hosted by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat. 


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