Every week, join Vinnie Politan for the Court TV Podcast. He'll dive into the real-life deceptions,
Despite courthouses across the country closing due to the spread of COVID-19, a Florida jury pressed
A date with a stranger ended in death for young single dad Adam Hilaire who found himself on the vio
In a three-day opening statement Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney John Lewin laid out the state’
For decades the infamous Robert Durst has been in and out of legal trouble – even doing prison time
Guilty! After over twenty-four hours of deliberations a jury of seven men and five women came to a
After weeks of testimony the fate of Harvey Weinstein is in the hands of twelve jurors, charged with
n April of 2018 Harvey Weinstein hired Juda Englemayer of the PR firm Herald PR to represent him dur
With the defense resting its case and both sides preparing for closing arguments, Vinnie and Seema l
Seema Iyer is in New York City where the prosecution has just rested its case in chief against Harve
Two weeks into the Harvey Weinstein Rape Trial and it is proving to be as dramatic as anticipated.
When the New York Times published an expose on the alleged predatory sexual behavior of Harvey Weins
The morning of January 24th, 1995 the eyes of the world homed in on a courtroom in Los Angeles, Cali
Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has produced some of the most critically acclaimed films on our time. H
Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein sexual assault trial could send him to prison for the rest of his life.
After many delays, movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is ready to face a jury of his peers in his sexual a