Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein sexual assault trial could send him to prison for the rest of his life. In the end his fate rests in the hands of a jury of his peers – 12 people who are currently being selected in a New York City courtroom. But how do you find an impartial jury for one of the most talked about criminal trials in the nation? Will protests on the court house steps sway prospective juror’s opinions or will they literally be able to block out the noise to focus on the case? Potential witnesses include such A-list talent as Charlize Theron and Salma Hayek. Does their star power make them more believable on the stand? Vinnie and Seema will dig into all of it plus discuss how they expect the case to proceed once a jury has been seated. For the latest updates and full trial coverage, watch Court TV.
Hollywood's A List Make The Witness List
Judge scolds Weinstein