cover of episode Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Greg Hess, Madeline Walter

Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Greg Hess, Madeline Walter

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Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast

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Glen Plapinger
Mary Elizabeth Ellis
Stephen King
节目主持人: 本期节目邀请到三位重量级嘉宾:一位在众多影视作品中有着出色表现的女演员Mary Elizabeth Ellis;一位才华横溢的民谣歌手Glen Plapinger;以及一位享誉全球的作家Stephen King。他们的到来为节目增添了无限精彩。 Mary Elizabeth Ellis分享了她近期参与的两部作品:一部是Netflix剧集《A Man on the Inside》,一部是电影《Red One》。她还谈到了在该节目中扮演的角色以及与其他演员合作的经历,特别是与Ted Danson的合作,她对Ted Danson的专业精神和敬业态度赞赏有加。 Glen Plapinger则以其独特的视角分享了他对当前社会现象的看法,并演唱了几首歌曲,其中包括一首关于他新买的Cybertruck的歌曲。他幽默风趣的谈吐和对音乐的热爱感染了现场的每一个人。 Stephen King则分享了他创作的灵感来源以及他与魔鬼之间达成的协议,他需要在感恩节前完成十个故事的创作,否则将会被拖入地狱。节目主持人和嘉宾们一起为Stephen King提供了许多故事创意。 Mary Elizabeth Ellis: 我很高兴再次来到这个节目。我最近参与了两部作品,一部是Netflix剧集《A Man on the Inside》,一部是电影《Red One》。在《A Man on the Inside》中,我扮演Ted Danson的女儿,这是一个非常有趣的角色。Ted Danson是一位非常专业的演员,与他合作是一次非常愉快的经历。在《Red One》中,我扮演克里斯·埃文斯的孩子的妈妈,这是一个比较轻松的角色。 我非常喜欢这个节目,节目主持人和嘉宾们都非常友好和幽默。我很荣幸能够再次来到这里与大家分享我的作品和经历。 Glen Plapinger: 我很高兴再次来到这个节目。我最近买了一辆Cybertruck,这辆车让我能够更好地体验美国的风土人情。我还创作了一些新的歌曲,其中包括一首关于Cybertruck的歌曲。 我对当前的社会现象有一些独特的看法,我认为主流媒体并没有很好地报道这些现象。所以我选择进行媒体禁食,只关注一些我感兴趣的信息。 我非常喜欢民谣音乐,但我认为现在这种音乐不受欢迎。所以我正在寻找赞助商,希望能够更好地推广我的音乐。 Stephen King: 我最近状态不太好,因为我需要在感恩节前完成十个故事的创作,否则将会被拖入地狱。我与魔鬼达成了协议,他要求我创作一百万个故事。 我目前已经完成了999,990个故事,还需要完成10个故事。我正在努力寻找灵感,节目主持人和嘉宾们给了我很多好的建议。 我非常感谢节目主持人和嘉宾们对我的帮助,也希望我的故事能够得到大家的喜欢。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Mary Elizabeth Ellis return to Comedy Bang Bang after nine years?

She finally paid off her debts from the things she broke during her previous appearance and was ready to break more.

What is the premise of Mary Elizabeth Ellis's Netflix show 'A Man on the Inside'?

It stars Ted Danson as a retiree who becomes a man on the inside, infiltrating a retirement community to solve a crime. The show is based on the documentary 'The Mole Agent'.

What role does Mary Elizabeth Ellis play in the movie 'Red One'?

She plays Chris Evans's baby mama, an OBGYN who needs him to step up and help take care of their child.

Why did Glenn Plappinger take a media blackout?

He believes the mainstream media doesn't get it right and wanted to focus on alternative forms of media, like Joe Rogan's podcast.

What is Glenn Plappinger's connection to Joni Mitchell?

He claims to have dated Joni Mitchell, being one of her many lovers, and even wrote a song about their time together in the canyon with Stephen Stills and Jackson Browne.

What is the main conflict Stephen King is facing in the podcast?

He has a deadline to write 10 new stories by Thanksgiving, as part of a deal he made with the devil to write one million stories by 2024.

What is one of the story ideas Stephen King came up with during the podcast?

A story about four guns who are high school friends, with one of them being the devil. Two of the guns are in love but never confessed their feelings.

What is the catchphrase that almost became permanent on Comedy Bang Bang?

The catchphrase 'Mind your business, Sally. I'm washing the dog.' was considered, but it was deemed too hard to say.

What is the name of the documentary that inspired 'A Man on the Inside'?

The documentary is called 'The Mole Agent'.

What is the name of the folk singer on the podcast?

The folk singer is Glenn Plappinger.

Mary Elizabeth Ellis discusses her roles in the movie Red One, featuring a jacked Santa Claus, and the Netflix series A Man on the Inside, a Mike Schur production based on a documentary. She shares anecdotes about filming and working with Ted Danson.
  • Mary Elizabeth Ellis's new movie Red One features a 'jacked Santa Claus'.
  • She stars in the Netflix series A Man on the Inside, a Mike Schur production.
  • The series is based on the documentary The Mole Agent.
  • She worked with Ted Danson, praising his professionalism.

Shownotes Transcript

Actress Mary Elizabeth Ellis joins Scott to talk about her new movie Red One, the Netflix series A Man on the Inside, and Creepshow. Then, folk singer Glen Plapinger returns to sing a few songs including one about his new Cybertruck. Plus, horror author Stephen King stops by to flesh out ideas for his next 10 stories. 


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