Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse

Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest


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Today I'm talking about functional ways to help prevent and protect ourselves from the spread of the

When you engage in positive activity first thing in the morning. You open yourself up to more than j

Create Your Own Good News


One of the things we can do during times of certainty is to get our physiology in alignment with a h

Today I'm offering some empowering and scientifically backed ways to help prevent Alzheimer's diseas

Today's message is all about your relationship to social comparison and whether or not you rely on s

During this time of social isolation, fear of the unknown, panic, and insecurity - can you turn to p

Successful people build their lives around positive thinking and a healthy imagination. We may be wi

Mindset Over Metabolism


How much good are we already doing? Are we being present with others? Meditating? Journaling? Reclai

Human performance, success, and motivation aren't always a "rah-rah" situation. Success comes from c

You can become an expert in healing areas of your life that need to heal. By visualizing the life yo

What are you ruminating on? Are you allowing yourself to thrive or are you living a fear-based life?

Behavior, beliefs, epigenetics, optimism - all contribute to a wife well-lived and healthy aging. Hi

How do you dedicate time to building your brain? I believe we all have genius inside of us. Through