B Prior is a contemporary visionary whose life is utterly devoted to the awakening of humanity. He o
“Nothing can replace the Beloved. Nothing. No one. Anything whatsoever. Nothing can replace the Belo
The beautiful opening to the recent five day retreat in New Zealand Retreat " You realise being h
"Love does not exist in space, time - past or future. Love doesn't exist, doesn't move in any of tha
A beautiful clip from the New Zealand Retreat Sessions - Dec 2017 " If you are awakening you are
15 minute piece from the last day of the NZ retreat with B in December 2017 " The light of Knowin
Awakening Awareness is called to go beyond all distraction, all contraction, all inflammation and be
Be less interested in what is already manifest. Let your conversation be centred around the unmanif
A short excerpt in which B speaks about Deep Dreamless Sleep. As you go to sleep at night, slowly,
An excerpt from a Day Seminar with B in Japan - July 2017 Let me show you an unusual dream... It
When you have deep experience, there is nothing to do, because you're complete. There is a sense of
A Satsang Excerpt from January 2017 - She Community, New Zealand You know the 'end of your time'.
CLIP What You Are is Instant You can't get the realising of Truth as You, whilst you function as a
There are many things that we possess, but the root of all that you possess is the possession called
In truth, where I come from, You are the Light streaming Reality. Truly this is Life streaming. Your
B in response to a question about the choices we make and their consequences. B: What You Are has
It's quite something for a human being to let go of the idea 'I exist' . In this whole realm, on the
The One who does not exist cannot express Reality. The One who does not exist cannot, does not expre
Your Deeper Body When you look in the bathroom mirror, you who is seeing, you see a body. But if y
You ARE In Communion With The One Let's stay with the word communion. There is nothing but communi
When we close our eyes for instance, if you really rest, you will find that the sensation within the