CLIP What You Are is Instant
You can't get the realising of Truth as You, whilst you function as a memory of someone. You can't realise the Absolute as that that changes. That's why to be more still and gentled in each moment, you begin to know and see as Beingness and begin to let go of this idea that you're somebody. Otherwise the sense of self and person is filtering out what you 're hearing back to you as being a someone.
Truth points to You being no-one. So the moment you begin to struggle, stop and be still. The more you are open and still, you begin to see as Consciousness itself, but this way of awakening - being true, loosens all the stories of being someone. Look deeper than the sense of a story. What You are is so instant. You won't find What You Are in space and time. I know you know then keep softening and opening.
Give each moment to move in openness rather than being someone doing something . You struggle more because the mind has an investment in knowing the Truth. The mind, when you see through it,remains open and silently still and only shines the Light of the streaming and then forms the Light of streaming without past or future. It looks like when we look into the universe that it's millions or billions of years old. That's the mind - it is streamed now! Keep relaxing. When you find your mind trying to get hold of something, relax and open. Do what you need to do but live what you know to live from the streaming.
from "The Me Is Your Root Possession"Turin 2017
Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here :