Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Interviews feature some of the most interesting folks on the planet di
Debra J. Saunders, White House Correspondent for the Las Vegas Review-Journal joins us for her lates
David Harsanyi (author and editor from the Federalist) joins Armstrong & Getty to talk about Sen
The Green New Deal is being widely embraced by the left in DC--is it the siren song of socialism? La
At what point will Gavin Newsom run for President? Will he finish his term as CA's governor, then ru
Author and Senior Editor of The Federalist, David Harsanyi, joins Armstrong & Getty to detail so
Washington Post congressional reporter Mike DeBonis joins Armstrong & Getty to talk about the ma
Lanhee Chen of the Hoover Institution joined Armstrong & Getty to discuss the State of the Union
CBS News Military Analyst Mike Lyons joins Armstrong & Getty to discuss the current state of aff
Debra J. Saunders joins Armstrong & Getty to discuss the shockingly stupid scandal involving the
Get ready to understand one of the most fundamentally important aspects of the universal health care
A new, high profile and very wealthy potential 2020 presidential candidate has arisen from the Pacif
The government shutdown is over, but is the life in the White House returned to normal? Debra J. Sau
WaPo Reporter Matt Zapotosky joins Armstrong & Getty to discuss the various arrests of people in
Washington Examiner Senior Political Correspondent David Drucker joins Armstrong & Getty to disc
Following a brutal week of testimony, NY Post Reporter Emily Saul joins A&G for an El Chapo Tria
Our favorite White House reporter, Debra J. Saunders, joins The Armstrong & Getty Show to give u
The Washington Examiner's Becket Adams joins Armstrong & Getty to discuss the woeful state of re
Washington Post Tech Reporter, Brian Fung, joins Armstrong & Getty to discuss the $57 million fi
Peter Boghossian, one of the three brilliant minds behind the "Grievance Studies Affair", talks to A
Larry Diamond of the Hoover Institution joins Armstrong & Getty for a special, off-air podcast f