Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Interviews feature some of the most interesting folks on the planet di
On the Friday February 21, 2025 edition of The Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Podcast... Joe tal
On the Monday January 27, 2025 edition of The Armstrong & Getty Extra Large Podcast... CA Congre
Jack & Joe are joined by LA-based meteorologist Rick Dickert to talk about the rapid spread of t
The Editor in Chief of the California Globe, Katy Grimes, joins Jack & Joe to discuss how politi
Longtime friend of The Armstrong & Getty Show, Ian Bremmer, joins Jack & Joe to talk about T
Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin joins Armstrong & Getty to share the startling details abou
San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond joins Jack & Joe to talk about protecting the integrity
Military analyst Mike Lyons joins A&G to talk about Israel's successful campaign to eliminate th
The outstanding Katy Grimes (California Globe) joins A&G to share some details about Kamala's lo
Washington Post foreign policy columnist, Josh Rogin, joins A&G to talk about the end of Hamas'
Katie's Dad, retired Superior Court Judge of Alameda County in California, Larry Goodman, joins Jack
President and CEO Dan Leroy talks to A&G shares his personal experience of the storm that floode
California Assemblyman Josh Hoover joins A&G to talk about the bi-partisan effort behind the new
During the pandemic, Dr. Marty Makary was one of a few, very reasonable voices often featured on The
"Tim the Lawyer" Sandefur joins Armstrong & Getty to talk about a lawsuit filed by a pair of vis
Former Trump Administration official Richard Grenell (Acting Director of National Intelligence) join
Long-time friend of The Armstrong & Getty Show, The Hoover Institution's Lanhee Chen, joined Jac
Florida Congressman Mike Waltz joined The Armstrong & Getty Show from the Republican National Co