==="كلمات الحياة " ، " الأخبار السارة " ، " ترانيم الإنجيل" - اللغة الرئيسية المستخدمة في مص بترتيب
[16]. Lovely Christian Song from Lebanon.3gp
Arabic Lebanese Song - "Jesus Christ, My Love" (Fairuz).3gp
"The Two Roads" - Lebanese Literary / Arabic North Levantine.mp3
"Good News" - North Lebanese Literary / Arabic North Levantine.3gp
[17]. Maronite Christian Songs -"Holy, Holy, Holy".3gp
Beirut - Opening Worship at Resurrection Church.3gp
"The Two Roads" - Beiruti / Arabic North Levantine.mp3
"Good News" - Beirut / Arabic North Levantine.3gp
[18]. Syrian orthodox Chant For Jesus.3gp
"Forgive Me, God" - Syriac Orthodox.3gp
"The Two Roads" - Damascus / Arabic North Levantine.mp3
Arabic Damascus - "Good News".3gp
[19]. Orthodox Aleppo Youth - "Monk's Song".3gp
"Song of Christ's Love" - Orthodox Aleppo Youth.3gp
"The Two Roads" - Aleppo / Arabic North Levantine .mp3
"Good News" - Aleppo / Arabic North Levantine.3gp
[20]. Aramaic Hymn - "Oh Lord".3gp
“The Two Roads” - Syrian Calamon / Arabic North Levantine.mp3
"Good News" - Syrian Calamon / Arabic North Levantine.3gp
French - "Words of Life (M)".3gp / 3gp."فرانسيه - "كلمات الحياة