cover of episode #100 (LIVE EVENT)  A look back on the Middle Earth Podcast's 100 episodes and China's cultural industry

#100 (LIVE EVENT) A look back on the Middle Earth Podcast's 100 episodes and China's cultural industry

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Middle Earth - China’s cultural industry podcast

Aladdin Farré
Sam Davies
参与《Camerosity Podcast》,分享1980年代相机使用经历的嘉宾。
Aladdin Farré: 本期节目是《中土世界》播客的第100期,回顾了播客的制作历程,以及中国文化产业在过去几年的变化。节目中,Aladdin Farré 分享了他创建播客的初衷、选题标准、嘉宾筛选过程以及盈利模式等经验。他还谈到了中国文化产业的变迁,包括资金减少、专业性提高、观众鉴赏能力增强等现象。此外,他还与其他嘉宾就AI技术在媒体制作中的应用、中国音乐产业、游戏产业、影视产业等话题进行了深入探讨。 Sara Huang: 作为自由撰稿人和翻译,Sara Huang 分享了她对中国影视行业去中心化趋势的观察,以及AI技术在影视创作中的应用前景。 Sam Davies: Sam Davies 作为《世界华人》杂志的管理编辑,分享了杂志与《中土世界》播客合作的经验,以及对中国文化产业的看法。 其他嘉宾:其他嘉宾从各自的专业领域(如书店经营、音乐产业、游戏产业等)出发,分享了他们对中国文化产业变迁的观察和感受,内容涵盖了图书出版的多样化、音乐市场的娱乐化、游戏产业的出海战略以及独立游戏的发展等方面。 Sara Huang: 中国影视行业的去中心化趋势日益明显,流媒体平台、自媒体和智能手机的普及,使内容消费更加多样化。AI技术在影视制作中的应用前景广阔,例如生成图像和预告片素材。 Sam Davies: 《世界华人》杂志与《中土世界》播客的合作,体现了双方在价值观和内容上的契合。杂志致力于报道独特、鲜为人知的中国故事,而播客则深入探讨中国文化产业从业者的故事。 LJ: 中国城市居民与自然的重新连接以及城市儿童缺乏自然教育的现状。南京一个设计良好的动物园吸引了大量粉丝,并激发了他们对自然和野生动物的关注。 Li Suwan: 中国大陆图书出版的多样化发展,以及女性相关主题图书的增多。线上推广日益重要,对实体书店构成挑战。 Yang Yu: 中国音乐产业受官方政策和法规影响显著,市场转向娱乐化。 其他嘉宾:其他嘉宾分享了各自领域(如游戏产业、影视产业等)的变迁,内容涵盖了手游崛起、出海战略成功、独立游戏兴起、网络小说平台为影视剧改编提供素材等方面。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Aladin Farré start the Middle Earth Podcast?

Aladin started the podcast to build a network in China's film and TV industry, as he found that offering interviews was a more effective way to connect with industry professionals than simply asking for job opportunities.

What challenges did Aladin face when starting the podcast?

Initially, Aladin struggled to get people to agree to interviews, with only a 5% success rate for coffee meetings. However, when he offered to interview them, the success rate jumped to 50%.

How does Aladin select topics and guests for the Middle Earth Podcast?

Aladin selects topics based on interesting individuals he meets. He pairs guests with similar expertise to create engaging panels, focusing on how people in China consume content and how they make a living from it.

What is the most downloaded episode of the Middle Earth Podcast?

The most downloaded episode is about patriotic influencers in China, exploring how they gain millions of fans and the business model behind their success.

How has the Chinese cultural landscape changed over the past nine years according to Aladin?

Aladin observes that while there is less money in the industry, there is more professionalism. Chinese audiences have also become more discerning about the content they consume.

What role does AI play in the production of the Middle Earth Podcast?

Aladin uses AI for research and editing assistance, but not for the actual interviews. AI helps with transcription and translation, making the editing process more efficient.

What is the business model of the Middle Earth Podcast?

The podcast is part of the World of Chinese magazine network, and Aladin also earns income through freelance work, such as documentary production, subtitling, and consulting for international companies entering the Chinese market.

What are some challenges in interviewing Chinese women for the podcast?

Aladin finds it challenging to convince Chinese women who have not studied abroad or worked with international companies to participate in interviews, as they often lack confidence in their legitimacy for the role.

What is Aladin's long-term goal for his creative projects?

Aladin's long-term goal is to become a showrunner, producing and writing TV series, which he sees as the ultimate career aspiration in the entertainment industry.

What is the most interesting topic Aladin wants to cover in the future?

Aladin is interested in creating an episode about true crime content, exploring how people make true crime podcasts and videos, though it has been challenging to find willing participants.

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After 224 guests, 4,439 minutes of content and 1 pandemic we are shamelessly celebrating Midde Earth – China’s cultural industry Podcast 100th episode! In order to make it big I have summoned all my supportive friends living in Beijing and we are today at Chill Bar for a live event to have quick introspection about the show, and so much more.Featuring- Aladin Farré : Content Producer & Middle Earth Podcast Founder- Sara Huang  :  Scriptwriter and Translator - Sam Davies :  TWOC - Managing Editor As we reach 100 episodes I would like to thanks, in chronological order Steve Seidenberg, Li Muyuan, Brenden Gonsalves, Sean Calvo, Alex Colville, Hatty Liu, Dragos Cacio, all the team at TWOC, today’s guests and previous guests.It was a public event that could have been made possible without Wendy Xu, Hu Qifei, Wang Siqi and Roman KierstChinese speaker? Follow our Bilibili account 阿拉丁_说电影)With thanks to Sean Calvo) for music support and Zhang Jiayu for poster picture.

The World of Chinese Magazine)A magazine about Chinese society, culture, history, arts, language, and more.