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Total: 309

Daily QuoteThe most efficient way to live reasonab

Daily QuoteHuman speech is like a cracked tin kett

Daily QuoteFear is the main source of superstition

Daily QuoteIt is preoccupation with possessions, m

Daily Quote子曰:“不患无位,患所以立。 不患莫已知,求为可知也。”Poem of the

Daily QuoteThe most efficient way to live reasonab

Daily QuoteWe receive three educations, one from o

Daily QuoteI don’t think of all the misery, but of

Daily QuoteWe must be willing to get rid of the li

Daily QuoteThe bravest are surely those who have t

Daily QuoteThe only person who is educated is the

Daily Quote子曰:“不患无位,患所以立。 不患莫已知,求为可知也。”Poem of the

Poem of the DayThe Other Side of a Mirrorby Mary C

Poem of the DayPARTING I and IIDu MuBeauty of Word

Daily QuoteWe must be willing to get rid of the li

Daily QuoteLife is a moderately good play with a b

Daily QuoteThe truth is simple. If it was complica

Daily QuoteIt's on the strength of observation and

Daily QuoteNone of us understand what we're doing,