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Daily QuoteThings change. And friends leave. Life

Daily QuoteIn order to design a future of positive

Daily QuoteThe first step toward change is awarene

Daily QuoteA successful person is one who can lay

Daily QuoteYou cannot catch a child's spirit by ru

Daily QuoteSeek the lofty by reading, hearing and

Daily Quote圣人不贵尺之璧而重寸之阴,时难得而易失也。(《淮南子•原道训》)Poem of

Daily QuoteCurious things, habits. People themselv

Daily QuoteA successful person is one who can lay

Daily QuoteI don't like work... but I like what is

Daily QuoteHuman speech is like a cracked tin kett

Daily QuoteIn history as in human life, regret doe

Daily QuoteIf he is indeed wise he does not bid yo

Daily QuoteIt is men’s duty to be courageous enoug

Daily QuoteA poet is a man who puts up a ladder to

Daily QuoteA man is like a fraction whose numerato

Daily Quote孔子曰:益者三友,损者三友。友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣。友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,

Daily QuoteFear is the main source of superstition

Daily QuoteThe great tragedy of life is not that m

Daily QuoteMen talk of killing time, while time qu