cover of episode S2E38. “组织派我来杀人”:美国加州「神秘暗杀组织」谋杀案

S2E38. “组织派我来杀人”:美国加州「神秘暗杀组织」谋杀案

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咪仔:本案讲述了1998年一起看似简单的谋杀案,受害者Carol是一位怀孕8个月的孕妇,凶手看似轻易被找到,但案情却远比表面复杂,牵扯到一个神秘的暗杀组织和错综复杂的人际关系。 案件的离奇之处在于,凶手Norman最初承认出于嫉妒杀害Carol,但随后又自称是名为'The Company'的暗杀组织成员,受命杀害Carol。该组织奉行'Kill or be killed'的铁律,成员必须完成任务,否则将成为下一个目标。 然而,随着调查深入,真相逐渐浮出水面。真正的幕后主使是Carol的丈夫Todd,他编造了'The Company'的故事,利用Norman作为替罪羊,杀害妻子Carol以获得人身保险金并与情妇Lynn在一起。 Todd利用其出色的讲故事能力,成功欺骗了Norman和Dale,让他们相信了'The Company'的存在,并参与到杀害Dian(Lynn的丈夫)的计划中。然而,两次刺杀Dian的计划都失败了,最终导致Todd策划杀害Carol。 Norman在巨大的压力和威胁下,最终杀害了Carol。整个案件中,人性的丑恶和扭曲展现得淋漓尽致,谎言、欺骗、嫉妒、报复交织在一起,最终酿成了一场悲剧。 Carol: 作为一名即将临盆的孕妇,Carol对未来充满期待,却意外地成为了一场阴谋的牺牲品。她对丈夫Todd深爱,并无任何预料到自己会遭遇杀害。 Todd: Todd是一个复杂的人物,他编造了一个虚假的暗杀组织,利用他人完成自己的罪恶计划。他为了与情妇Lynn在一起,不惜杀害自己的妻子和孩子,展现出极度自私和冷酷的一面。他擅长讲故事,利用谎言和欺骗操控他人,最终为自己招致了牢狱之灾。 Norman: Norman最初是一个被Todd欺骗的受害者,他因为经济困境和Todd的谎言而参与到暗杀计划中。他最终杀害了Carol,但内心充满挣扎和悔恨。他试图通过揭露真相来寻求保护,但最终仍要为自己的罪行付出代价。 Lynn: Lynn与Todd有染,为了摆脱丈夫Dian,她与Todd合谋,试图杀害Dian。她相信了Todd编造的'The Company'的故事,并参与到计划中。最终,她因自己的行为而被捕。 Dale: Dale是Todd的同伙,他相信了Todd编造的'The Company'的故事,并参与到杀害Dian的计划中。然而,他在行动中临阵脱逃,最终被判刑。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the initial motive Norman gave for killing Carol?

Norman initially claimed he killed Carol out of jealousy, envious of the seemingly perfect life she and her husband Todd had together.

What was the second story Norman told after his arrest?

Norman later claimed he was a professional assassin working for a government-backed secret organization called 'The Company,' and that killing Carol was his initiation task under the organization's 'kill or be killed' rule.

What was the ultimate motive behind Todd orchestrating Carol's murder?

Todd orchestrated Carol's murder to eliminate her and their unborn child, allowing him to be with his mistress Lynn without the complications of marriage and parenthood.

What evidence led to Todd's eventual arrest?

Todd was arrested after Norman confessed to the murder and revealed Todd's involvement. Police found incriminating chat logs on Todd's computer, where he posed as 'Colonel Sean' to manipulate Norman into killing Carol.

What was the outcome of the trial for Todd and the other conspirators?

Todd was sentenced to death, Norman received a 50-year prison sentence, Dale was sentenced to 10 years for attempted murder, and Lynn, who cooperated as a witness, was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

What was the significance of the 'kill or be killed' rule in Norman's story?

The 'kill or be killed' rule was a central tenet of the fictional organization 'The Company,' which Norman claimed to be part of. It meant that if he failed to complete his assigned assassination, he would become the next target.

  • 孕妇Carol在家中被杀害
  • 凶案现场没有财物损失,也没有强行闯入的痕迹
  • 初步判断为一起熟人作案的仇杀案

Shownotes Transcript

癫公癫婆。是的,这就是我对这个案子的总结。在这个案子里,你可以听到让人匪夷所思的一切:谋杀,神秘暗杀组织,「Kill or Be Killed」铁律……一尸两命,当一个孕妇的尸体在血泊中被发现,凶手很轻易被找到之后,这个案子看上去马上就能结案了。是这样吗?当然不是。平静水面下隐藏着的波涛暗涌,创死了每一个有正常逻辑思维的人。一场人间闹剧,即将上演。

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