The Copeland Track is an 18-kilometer hike that takes about 7-8 hours to complete. It features stunning views of snow-capped mountains, blue rivers, and unique landscapes like long suspension bridges and natural pools. Hikers also encounter varied terrains, including rocky riverbeds, moss-covered trails, and steep climbs. The hike includes an overnight stay in a cabin with communal sleeping arrangements, and the trail ends near natural hot springs.
Gisborne, located on the east coast of New Zealand's North Island, is one of the first places in the world to see the sunrise. It is known for its beautiful beaches, rich Māori culture, and renowned wine regions. Gisborne is also a popular destination for surfers, offering some of the best surf spots in New Zealand. The city has a warm climate and is historically significant as the site where Captain Cook first landed in New Zealand.
Niue Island, located in the South Pacific, is one of the world's largest coral islands. It is an autonomous nation in free association with New Zealand, meaning Niueans hold New Zealand citizenship. The island is known for its crystal-clear waters, unique coral reefs, and rich marine life, making it a prime destination for diving and snorkeling. Niue has a small population of around 1,000 people, and its economy relies heavily on tourism and New Zealand's financial aid. The island also has a quirky tradition of issuing collectible coins featuring cartoon characters like Snoopy and Disney themes.
The speaker managed anxiety and uncertainty during their gap year by staying busy and setting daily tasks, such as revising resumes, making job applications, and engaging in physical activities like walking or hiking. They emphasized the importance of focusing on personal growth and self-reflection, rather than external circumstances. By maintaining a routine and staying active, they were able to reduce feelings of isolation and stress, ultimately gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their goals.
The speaker faced challenges in readjusting to the fast-paced work environment after their gap year. It took them about two to three months to fully regain their previous work rhythm, especially in a high-pressure agency job that required frequent overtime. However, they were fortunate to return to their former company and team, which made the transition smoother. Despite the initial struggle, they felt the gap year was invaluable for personal growth and self-awareness, even if it came with financial and professional trade-offs.
Tonga is a South Pacific island nation known for its rich cultural heritage and history as a unified kingdom. It is the only remaining monarchy in the region and is famous for its traditional dances, music, and handicrafts. Tonga is also renowned for its pristine natural environment, including beautiful beaches and opportunities for activities like diving, snorkeling, and whale watching. The country's hospitality and cultural festivals, such as Tāufaʻāhau Day, showcase its deep-rooted traditions and vibrant community life.
和鹅姐新西兰打工度假系列的最后一期,继续上期的环岛旅行,雪山徒步、泡野温泉,新西兰的第一缕阳光和散落在周围的岛屿国家,解锁更多新西兰小众旅行地。 而结束打工度假后,重新回到国内职场的鹅姐,又有什么样改变与发现: Gap期间会面临哪些不确定性?如何去面对焦虑?如何去重新适应职场生活? 短短一年的间隔年,又会对人生产生怎样的影响? 如果你也想要了解更多关于Gap Year的信息,或是想要尝试,记得听这一期~ 时间轴00:29" 雪山徒步之旅:泡最野的温泉,睡最大的通铺 10:51" 探洞之旅:奇妙的地下世界 12:35" 在杰斯本的日出下 14:53" 纽爱岛:寻找无尽深蓝、遇见南太平洋的鲸 23:07" 汤加:迎接世界第一缕阳光 30:03" 如何对抗Gap焦虑与不确定性? 44:15" 从新西兰回到国内职场,Gap到底值不值得? 旅行笔记杰斯本** 新西兰的杰斯本(Gisborne)位于北岛的东海岸,是该国最早见到日出的城市之一。它以其美丽的海滩、丰富的毛利文化以及著名的葡萄酒产区而闻名。杰斯本也是冲浪爱好者的天堂,拥有一些新西兰最好的冲浪地点。该地区的气候温暖,阳光充足,非常适合户外活动。此外,杰斯本还是历史悠久的城市,库克船长首次登陆新西兰的地方就在这里。 石脑变形虫 石脑变形虫(Naegleria fowleri),也称为食脑变形虫,是一种可以引发致命脑部感染的微生物,叫原发性阿米巴性脑膜脑炎(PAM)。它通常生长在温暖的淡水环境中,如湖泊、河流和温泉中。 纽爱岛** 纽爱岛(Niue)是位于南太平洋的一个小岛,也是世界上最大的珊瑚岛之一。虽然地理上接近新西兰,但纽爱岛是一个自治国家,与新西兰保持自由联系关系。新西兰负责纽爱岛的外交和国防事务,大多数岛上的居民也拥有新西兰国籍。纽爱岛以其清澈的海水、独特的珊瑚礁和丰富的海洋生物而闻名,是潜水和浮潜的理想之地。岛上的自然景观非常壮丽,遍布洞穴、石灰岩悬崖和热带雨林,吸引着生态旅游爱好者。 汤加** 汤加(Tonga)是位于南太平洋的一个岛国,由170多个岛屿组成,其中36个岛屿有人居住。汤加是南太平洋地区唯一一个由国王统治的君主制国家,以其悠久的历史和深厚的文化传统而著名。该国以热情好客的人民、未受污染的自然环境和美丽的海滩而闻名。汤加的主要经济活动包括农业、渔业和旅游业。游客可以在这里体验潜水、浮潜、观鲸等活动,尤其是在每年的观鲸季节,汤加是世界上少数几个可以近距离观察座头鲸的地方之一。汤加文化以传统舞蹈、音乐和手工艺品闻名,塔普拉努伊节(Tāufaʻāhau Day)和国王诞辰等庆典则展示了该国丰富的文化遗产。 欢迎订阅【非正常旅行】每周六与你闲聊全世界! 每期播客的文字版本以及相关旅行资讯请关注【公众号:季不住】 添加NPC微信号“travelwithji-”加入宝藏听友旅行群 【主播介绍】** 季季 ** 独立摄影师 | 艺术创作者 | 自由撰稿人 「非正常旅行」播客主理人 背包旅行12年+,自由职业7年+,�� ��双国旅居。 “这地球太酷,值得一个人背包出发!” 小红书 | B站:@季季JiJi ** 公众号:季不住** YouTube:Travel with Ji** 鹅姐** 2016年新西兰打工度假老人 正带着狗技术移民去澳洲,现暂居日本 小红书:鹅姐(id:goosechaser)**
【背景音乐】** The Marías - Clueless Huma-Huma - Onmission 【关于非正常旅行】** 这是一档寻找未知旅行地,分享环游世界攻略,探索不一样生活方式,横跨南北半球的旅行播客。 错了,重来! 不过是个和朋友们相聚大笑、自由畅谈的地方罢了~ 让我们在路上不期而遇吧! 你可以在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、网易云音乐、苹果Podcast上收听我们的节目。如果你喜欢我们的节目,请多多留言,专辑五星评价,让我们走得更远一点点~ 【商务合作】** [email protected]