2009年9月,美国弗吉利亚州法姆维尔镇第一大道上的一栋三层洋楼中散发出阵阵难闻的味道,前来调查的警察打开房门,发现赫然躺着的多具尸体…… 本期,刘下来和王哪跑为大家分享一起发生在美国的案件。案件中的凶手(上图)在自己的社交平台上传了一段长达40秒的自述视频(本期片头)。在视频中,他不断道歉,称自己的所作所为是受到了上帝的指示。
00:00-00:55 片头(凶手的音频自白)
00:56-22:41 事发的前因和经过
22:42-36:53 案件的调查和后续
36:54-43:21 Open Discussion (警察的“合格豁免权”+ 网络社群的双面性和复杂性)
**The Case of the Farmville Murders **https://sites.psu.edu/passionbloggf/2021/03/16/the-case-of-the-farmville-murders/)Syko Sam – The Farmville Murder https://www.talkmurderwithme.com/blog/2021/2/17/farmville-murders-syko-samQualified immunity (合格豁免权) is a type of legal immunity. “Qualified immunity balances two important interests—the need to hold public officials accountable when they exercise power irresponsibly and the need to shield officials from harassment, distraction, and liability when they perform their duties reasonably.”The doctrine of qualified immunity, which allows state and local officials to avoid personal consequences related to their professional interactions unless they violate “clearly established law,” has been repeatedly used by police officers to escape accountability and civil liability for engaging in violent and abusive acts against the public. In practice, this often means that, unless there’s a case with nearly identical facts on the record, these officials — including law enforcement — can flagrantly violate a person’s rights without being held personally responsible. 所涉及法律相关条文,因为其严谨性和专业性,不便做翻译,请各位听众自行理解。