cover of episode 109 如果你也喜欢蓝色

109 如果你也喜欢蓝色

logo of podcast 限时肤浅


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Iris和别笑:节目开播四年来,蓝色作为节目标志性元素贯穿始终,代表着节目组对蓝色的喜爱,以及希望在蓝色世界中拥有自己独特位置的愿望。蓝色象征着复杂和神秘,既可以代表豁达开朗,也可以代表忧郁沉思,正如面对同一片大海,每个人都有不同的感受和心事。节目中,蓝色与各种意象相结合,例如大海、星空、泳池等,引发听众对蓝色不同层面的联想。 对未来的展望,别笑想象着多年后自己站在蓝色的门前,象征着对未来的憧憬和对友谊的思考。Iris则将播客未来的理想模样比作一个纯色的蓝色懒人沙发,象征着舒适、包容和温柔,希望听众能在傍晚的蓝调时刻来他们的‘懒人沙发’上休息。 Iris和别笑:节目回顾了四年来的点点滴滴,从听众来信中见证了听众的幸福时刻,并表达了对未来五周年的期许。节目中穿插了对蓝色意象的解读,以及对未来理想状态的展望,表达了对友谊和未来的美好祝愿。节目整体氛围轻松愉快,充满了对过去和未来的憧憬。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the podcast choose blue as its logo color?

The podcast chose blue as its logo color because it was a simple, subconscious preference. Over time, blue became a recurring element in every episode's cover, symbolizing the podcast's identity and creating a familiar association for listeners.

What does the color blue symbolize in the context of the podcast?

Blue symbolizes complexity and mystery, representing both extreme openness and deep introspection. It reflects the diverse emotions and thoughts people experience, such as the contrasting feelings of relaxation and contemplation when at the seaside.

How does the podcast envision its ideal future?

The podcast envisions its ideal future as a 'blue hour' in the evening, where the atmosphere is gentle and peaceful, with soft shades of blue. It aims to be remembered as a calming presence, like a moment in late summer at around 6 PM.

What is the significance of the blue beanbag chair in the podcast's vision?

The blue beanbag chair represents flexibility, comfort, and inclusivity. It is envisioned as a space where listeners can relax, feel embraced, and adapt to various postures, offering a sense of gentle support rather than a tight hug.

What is the podcast's wish for its fifth anniversary?

For its fifth anniversary, the podcast hopes listeners will occasionally take a moment to rest on its metaphorical blue beanbag chair during the 'blue hour' of the evening, celebrating their shared love for the color blue.

Shownotes Transcript

四周年特别版,现在的你看到的我们是蓝色的。 祝大家拥有一个懒人沙发和一段Blue Hour。 也许你还记得有一位听友叫做透明瞳。四年以来,从第23期的吃饭与借书开始,第46期的幸福电视剧、第58期的恋爱日常,再到101期里的暖心小事,我们从她的来信里见证了各种幸福时刻。最近我们得知她将在9月初举办婚礼(并且我们还会收到喜糖),于是,我们绘制了本期的封面,并命名为:《限时肤浅随份子》,祝福她新婚快乐。备婚再忙,也请记得给自己留10分钟的蓝色时刻!恭喜~ 【一些蓝色时刻】 别笑:


听友分享: 感谢听友大只、石榴丫、鹅妹、Q、胖瑶的蓝色来信,我们将在之后为你们送上一份礼物。

本期音乐: 开头: Came from You / Vincent Blue  结尾:    Time Traveling / Sarah Kang & Anthony Lazaro  音乐片段: Starry Starry Night / Lianne La Havas Visions of Gideon / Sufjan Stevens 音效: 海浪 许可:CC0 作者:史蒂夫 来源:耳聆网 大海和海鸥 许可:CC-BY 作者:Chris 来源:耳聆网 鲸鱼呼唤伙伴 许可:CC0 作者:lzhayd 来源:耳聆网 帆船在大风中航行 许可:CC0 作者:森瀑布 来源:耳聆网 蝉鸣、夏天 许可:CC0 作者:Tonybaobao123 来源:耳聆网 汽车经过 许可:CC0 作者:赛仁贵 来源:耳聆网 夜晚蝉鸣 许可:CC-BY 作者:阿月_ 来源:耳聆网 泳池 许可:别笑狗刨 钢笔签约的声音 许可:CC0 作者:bluk 来源:耳聆网 夜之篝火 许可:CC-BY-NC 作者:纸盒工作室 来源:耳聆网 在碎石上缓慢散步 许可:CC0 作者:六道木 来源:耳聆网 人群欢呼和掌声 许可:CC0 作者:顽皮熊猫 来源:耳聆网 本期主播:Iris和别笑 微博微信:限时肤浅 邮箱:[email protected]