The speaker highlights that allowing oneself to be the 'bad' person means taking control of one's own happiness and not waiting for external validation or permission. It involves recognizing when a relationship no longer serves one's needs and having the courage to end it, even if it means being perceived as selfish or unkind. This self-permission is crucial for personal growth and avoiding prolonged emotional suffering.
The speaker observes that one of the participants, Ge Xi, appears strong and independent but is internally fragile and deeply desires love. Ge Xi struggles to end her relationship despite recognizing that her partner, Liu Jishou, does not meet her needs. This mirrors the speaker's past experiences, where she stayed in a relationship waiting for the other person to end it, rather than taking the initiative herself.
The 'Swiss roll incident' illustrates how people often seek permission or validation from others, even for small decisions like eating a piece of cake. The speaker uses this example to highlight the broader issue of relying on external approval for one's happiness. She argues that individuals should take ownership of their desires and decisions without waiting for others to allow or validate them.
Nini, the speaker's cat, is highly sensitive and requires explicit permission or invitation to express her needs, such as sleeping next to her owner. Nini's behavior reflects a deep-seated fear of rejection and a need for constant reassurance of love. The speaker uses Nini as a metaphor for people who struggle to assert their desires and rely on others to validate their worth.
The speaker advises individuals to clearly articulate their desires and take responsibility for their happiness, rather than waiting for others to guess or permit their actions. She emphasizes that relying on external validation is risky and that true strength comes from self-assurance and the ability to make decisions independently. This approach fosters healthier relationships and personal fulfillment.
后期剪辑制作:Swan Choice 工作室
小助手:Msswanheart (添加微信并备注听友群)
00:20 允许自己在感情里做个“坏”人
05:50 强大的人才不在意“你爱没爱过我”
09:30 允许别人狠心却不允许自己狠心
11:35 太执着被爱是会把你困住的
12:30 说“ta不喜欢我”,其实是我不喜欢ta
16:15 主动做 “坏”人,体会能量感
19:05 看见受害者叙事背后的好处
23:40 不要把自己的幸福快乐赌在别人是否允许上
27:05 从不坦率表达自己要快乐全靠别人猜不猜得中
34:10 什么都要被允许背后肯定是存在创伤的
39:00 幸运强求不得,强大可以练习
Hero -- Family of the Year
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