Marina Abramović believes that performance art requires the artist to invest their time and energy, while the audience must also contribute their attention and time. This mutual exchange creates a genuine connection and makes the performance effective. She stated, 'I gave my time and my energy, and you, as participants, gave me your time and attention.' This is why her exhibition is titled 'Energy Transfer,' highlighting the exchange of energy between the artist and the audience.
The immersive experience at Marina Abramović's exhibition in China was designed to slow down time and heighten sensory awareness. Participants had to store their phones and wear noise-canceling headphones. The space was filled with white-clad 'pharmacist' guides who moved slowly and spoke in a monotone voice. The experience included walking through a series of doors, lying in a bathtub filled with rose petals, and interacting with various installations. The goal was to create a meditative, almost surreal environment where participants could disconnect from the outside world and focus on their inner sensations.
In 'Rhythm 0,' Marina Abramović placed herself in a passive role, allowing the audience to interact with her using various objects, including a gun, a whip, and roses. The performance revealed how people behave when given absolute power without consequences. Initially, the audience was hesitant, but as the performance progressed, they became increasingly aggressive, culminating in someone pointing a gun at her. The performance ended with Abramović walking toward the audience, who then fled, unable to face her. This piece highlighted the darker aspects of human nature and the potential for violence when power is unchecked.
In 'Balkan Baroque,' Marina Abramović sat in a pile of bloody cow bones, washing them while singing a sorrowful Yugoslavian children's song. The performance was a commentary on the atrocities of war, particularly in the Balkans, and served as a memorial to the victims. The visual and sensory impact of the blood and bones created a powerful and haunting experience, emphasizing the futility and horror of violence. This piece is considered one of her most profound works, blending personal and collective grief.
Marina Abramović argues that reading a book or hearing a theory can inspire or impress, but true change only occurs through direct experience and action. She stated, 'Books cannot truly change a person. Only actions can.' Her performance art is designed to create immersive experiences that force participants to confront their emotions and thoughts, leading to personal transformation. This belief underscores the core of her work, which relies on the physical and emotional presence of both the artist and the audience.
“跌落神坛”“不知所云” 都算轻的
@罗依尔Roy (视频号:罗依尔的艺术陪伴)
后期剪辑制作:Swan Choice 工作室
小助手:Msswanheart (添加微信并备注听友群)
02:15 做了五十年行为艺术没有通过它赚到过钱
03:55 一个喧嚣里安静地缓慢到显得荒唐的空间
10:10 关掉一些感官来强化其他感官的感受
17:40 到底谁看谁是疯子
21:30 艺术家也追星?当然!只会更狂热
29:35 “书是没法让人发生改变的,只有行为能真正让人改变”
35:27 行为艺术和戏剧表演的不同,阿布有惊人的洞察力和演技
38:50 怎样的才是艺术,和炒作的艺术有何不同
41:55 【节奏0】为什么能成为这么多人的心头好
51:30 最适合播客的作品【巴尔干巴洛克】
(Rhythm 0 ,1974)
(The Artist Is Present,Mar 14–May 31, 2010)
(Marina Abramović. Balkan Baroque. 1997)
(Balkan Baroque later version)
Amerigo -- Patti Smith
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