The key evidence was the similarity in three separate cases where newly married women died in bathtubs after purchasing life insurance policies with their husbands as beneficiaries. Additionally, the soap found in Bessie Mundy’s hand indicated she died instantly, supporting the theory of rapid drowning due to vagus nerve inhibition.
Bernard Spilsbury conducted detailed autopsies on the victims, identifying subtle injuries and ruling out poisoning or violent drowning. He proposed that sudden water influx into the nasal cavity could inhibit the vagus nerve, causing instant death without typical drowning signs.
All three victims were newly married, purchased high-value life insurance policies with their husbands as beneficiaries, died in bathtubs, and had visited doctors shortly before their deaths. Their husbands had checked for the presence of bathtubs before renting the rooms.
The primary challenge was proving that the deaths were murders rather than accidental drownings. Traditional forensic methods could not distinguish between natural drowning and forced drowning, necessitating innovative forensic techniques by Bernard Spilsbury.
George Smith was convicted of murder and sentenced to death on July 1, 1915. The jury deliberated for only 32 minutes, convinced by the forensic evidence and the pattern of similar deaths.
The bathtub bride case significantly elevated Bernard Spilsbury’s reputation in forensic science. His innovative forensic techniques and detailed autopsies provided crucial evidence that led to the conviction of George Smith, establishing Spilsbury as a pivotal figure in forensic medicine.
本期节目给大家讲述两起法医学相关的案件,这两起案件的主人公都是现代法医学之父伯纳德.斯皮尔伯里。他是英国非常著名的病理学家,一生曾解剖过上千具尸体,在实践中将病理学与破案相结合,他为很多案件所作的尸检报告都能影响案件的走向。今天讲述的两起案件,都发生在他的职业早期。一起案件是在当年引起报纸争相报道的浴缸新娘案,案件从一名刚刚结婚就意外溺死在浴缸里的妻子开始说起。一起案件则让法医都觉得现场极具挑战,凶手对死者进行了残忍的分尸。而伯纳德.斯皮尔伯里是如何利用自己的法医病理学知识协助破案的呢,欢迎收听本期真相壁炉。 提醒:本期情节有过于血腥场面,请看情况收听。 节目主播 老庚 以太 老琦 时间轴 01:22) 新婚过后,浴缸中意外溺死的妻子 13:48) 相同的巧合发生在250英里之外 24:43) 被发现的第三起案件,也无法提供更多证据找到凶手 35:30) 没有暴力痕迹溺死的真相 48:13) 一起约会牵扯出的血案 55:55) 另外一名失踪女性 01:05:43)散落于房间四处的尸体碎片 01:21:45) 读读评论,上期今日说法中关于分尸难度的话题 节目图片 浴缸草图 节目资料 《法医之王》 节目音乐 Awich-Hot Topic Peder B. Helland - Bedtime Lullaby Peder B. Helland - Happy Times Peder B. Helland - Together Peder B. Helland - Time Maurizio Pollini,Philharmonia Orchestra,Paul Kletzki - Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor Op. 11 (2001 Remastered Version):II. Romanze (Larghetto)