cover of episode 理响谈—明田川荘之—老兵不死,只是凋零


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李星潭:明田川荘之的去世是日本爵士乐界乃至整个爵士乐界的重大损失。他作为音乐家、唱片公司管理人及店铺老板,对爵士乐界的贡献巨大,他的离世给爵士乐界带来了难以估量的损失。他的唱片公司Akita Disc出版了许多优秀的唱片,记录了日本爵士乐的发展历程,值得我们永远铭记。 他的Akita爵士乐现场,为东京乃至整个日本的爵士乐发展做出了重要贡献,几十年来为无数音乐家提供了表演场所,也培养了大量的日本爵士音乐家。Akita不仅仅是一个演出场所,更是日本爵士乐文化的重要组成部分,它的存在弥足珍贵。 2016年的专辑《TODY》是献给他母亲的,专辑中大部分曲目使用陶笛演奏,并包含日本民歌、赞美歌等多种类型,展现了他对音乐的热爱和对母亲的深情。他的陶笛演奏返璞归真,展现了对声音最纯粹的感受,这是一种对音乐最本真的表达。 Livehouse对城市文化建设至关重要,需要得到公众的重视和支持。它们不仅仅是演出场所,更是城市文化的重要组成部分,是年轻人交流的场所,也是文化传承的重要载体。很多Livehouse都在努力地生存和发展,我们应该珍惜和支持它们。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Who was Aketa's Disk and what role did it play in the jazz scene?

Aketa's Disk was a record label managed by Aketa's store owner, Aketa's Disk played a significant role in the jazz scene by publishing numerous excellent records, documenting the development of Japanese jazz, and providing a platform for jazz musicians to perform and for audiences to enjoy live music.

What is the significance of Aketa's store in the jazz community?

Aketa's store, located in a basement in Tokyo, has been a crucial gathering place for jazz musicians and enthusiasts for decades. It has hosted high-frequency performances, nurtured many Japanese jazz musicians, and maintained a pure, non-commercial atmosphere, making it an essential venue for jazz culture in Tokyo and Japan.

What was the theme of the album 'TODY' and what does it represent?

The album 'TODY' is a live recording from 2016, featuring performances by Aketa Ocarina Orchestra. It represents a series of ocarina performances, with the first track titled 'It's Time to Say Goodbye,' symbolizing a tribute and farewell, fitting the memorial theme of the album.

How did Aketa's store contribute to the cultural landscape of Tokyo?

Aketa's store contributed to Tokyo's cultural landscape by being a vital part of the city's live music scene, offering a space for jazz performances and cultural exchange. It has survived for many years, providing a platform for both emerging and established musicians, and has become a cherished institution in the city's cultural fabric.

What is the importance of live houses like Aketa's store in urban culture?

Live houses like Aketa's store are crucial for urban culture as they serve as venues for live performances, fostering local music scenes and cultural exchange. They provide a space for artists to express themselves and for audiences to experience diverse musical genres, contributing to the city's cultural richness and diversity.

本期节目悼念日本爵士乐界代表人物明田川荘之的离世。他不仅是一位杰出的音乐家,还是Aketa's Disk厂牌的管理人和Aketaの店的老板,对日本乃至世界爵士乐发展做出了巨大贡献。他的离世是爵士乐界的重大损失。
  • 明田川荘之去世
  • Aketa's Disk厂牌管理人
  • Aketaの店老板
  • 日本爵士乐界代表人物

Shownotes Transcript

明田川莊之,作为日本爵士乐乃至世界爵士乐场景里的一个老兵,在几天前离开了。他作为一名音乐家、厂牌Aketa's Disk管理人、Aketaの店的老板,为这个世界的爵士乐带来了太多。网络上他的信息故事太多,我们没有人能真正地说完,那就以一期简短的节目向他致敬。Heroes never die, they just fade away.如果有人想分享你最喜欢的音乐以及关于它的故事,欢迎发邮件。邮箱是:[email protected]。封面图来源:网络ListAketa Ocarina Orchestra.-.[風の道]Opening: 月の沙漠1st: 今こそ別れ2nd: スカボロー・フェア3rd: テイク・パスタン4th: 故郷